I think you should double-check with your mom on that story about how the drycleaner "lost" the cape.
I think you should double-check with your mom on that story about how the drycleaner "lost" the cape.
Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the…
Yes, please.
It was suggested they sing it for the OU football team. In a locked room...
They'd piss their pants like the cowards they are if they had to sing this in front of a black audience.
Not only are they racist assholes but they also film things vertically. Do their sins have no limit?
Yup. I didn't know. I only care so much as it means my fantasy of marrying him will be a little bit more of a fantasy.
All I could think of while watching the video was "... but, if she's crocheting she wouldn't have needles. She would have a hook. Why would he write that?! WHY".
This lady showed up with a needle and yarn just looking for a fight. fuck her
I have knitted and crocheted in public spaces and on public transit. Place the bag between your feet and get over yourself.
In honor of International Women's Day this coming Sunday, Spotify released data on which female artists get the most…
Loving all the responses referencing period costumes as if Cinderella is a historical biopic that must be set in a specific time and place.
The headline is a huge misrepresentation of what Lily James says. But who cares, right? INDIGNATION!
It's ok to be sad that the movie trailer (for children) shows a woman in a corset shrinking her waist and over accentuating her breasts. It's marketed to kids. I'm sad at Hollywood not that my nephew is male.
It's not the diet itself that I find so troubling (I am a big soup fan myself) but rather the fact that they felt that they had to tightlace this already slender girl for a goddamn kid's movie. There is no reason to make that waist of that dress so incredibly, exaggeratedly tiny. It's shitty.
Yeah. It's why I made the opposite decision when I got knocked up at 47 (WTF?!). Policy specifically excluded maternity, and I'm 90 minutes from the nearest NICU, and the idea of dealing with toddler meltdowns in my 50s, and paying for college in my late 60s, and orphaning some kid ... I just couldn't.
This obsession with having biological children is confounding and often strikes me as grotesque. Crazy Rich Lady is Crazy and Rich.
Yes, this should kind of have a "DO NOT TRY THIS IF YOU ARE NOT RICH" type of disclaimer.
Cool. Now let's see a profile on a single mother and her experiences who is not a multi-millionaire.