
I went to a state u in the west. Greeks only associated with Greeks and everybody on either side was cool with this, It kept them away from the rest of us.

My father was SAE.

I do cross stitch because it's more respectable than just sitting in front of the TV for hours on end. Then I hang them up on my laundry room walls - I have no delusions that other people want to look at my crappy samplers that I was half-drunk when I stitched anyway.

I didn't know one way or the other. I considered the possibility that he convincingly plays a gay man because he's a good actor.

I'm in a similar place and feel ya. What makes it even worse is being shamed for being sad about being here. Like we're not independent or empowered enough to unconditionally embrace a solitary life or lacking in self-esteem because "you must love yourself before you can love another."

I have neither kids nor grandkids so I'm not really qualified to comment, but I really gotta go with Roseanne on this: "We're not meant to have our own grandchildren."

my 10 years of newspaper journalism make me want to punch that headline for being a straight-up lie.

I used to live in Bay Ridge and for some reason had repeated issues with FedEx. I'd call to work it out and the call center in Rockland, IL or whatever would say "just go to our warehouse in Bushwick and pick it up! My computer says it's not far at all!" And I would have to explain there's no direct train or bus, I'd

They know most commuters can't/won't and therefore have no motivation to improve.

My friend =/= everyone, but hey, everyone else is sharing anecdotes. She'd been dating a guy for just a few months and told me she was already considering breaking it off when he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers. He was a decent guy and he didn't deserve to be sick or to be abandoned while sick, but the

I've given up on love and have been getting a lot of crap lately for doing so. Then I see this and I'm like "so this would be my eventual reward for following everyone's shitty advice, assuming I even could get a man at age 40 when I never did before? Yeah, fuck off."

He really wasn't a bad guy... but he just fell apart and became a completely insensitive dick when I needed him the most

While the study is drawn from data that doesn't specify whether it was the husband or wife who initiated the divorce in these cases, Karraker suggests that divorces coinciding with a wife's illness could actually be a matter of the wife wanting to cut the cord due to dissatisfaction with her husband's ability (or lack

The length of this post and my lack of interest in this dispute has inspired me to log off Gawker and actually work. My boss thanks you for it.

My parents are middle class. They split and my mom and I became middle class people with zero money. Then she remarried into the working class and I spent a lot of time with my stepfather and his family. They have a good strong marriage but there were issues that stemmed from class differences.

I don't think you were supposed to like him. A lot of people did, though. I guess main character = hero in too many mind?

I read the first one and thought Larsson was a great storyteller, but I don't dig reading about graphic violence and especially not graphic sexual violence. So while I figure the second two were probably good, I have no desire to read them. And I never saw either movie version because if I hate reading it, I REALLY

I like this thread.

I agree with you but I've also never been more amused by sore winners.

Zero points for class. Ten for humor.