
"Allred...reported that her clients are satisfied with the settlement."

This post says Michigan doesn't have a "stand your ground" law but then posts the Michigan definition of self defense which states there is "no duty to retreat."

Hey, Californian turned Upper Midwesterner here and I'm with you. Nothing worse than being a sanctimonious prick about liking it warm.

Keep in mind that some places are putting up shit housing with no insulation worth a fuck. It can be perfectly pleasant outside but a sauna inside my apartment. I'll throw all the windows open and run the fan or just stay outside for as long as possible but a bitch has got to sleep.

I almost switched churches once because the Mormons had glorious AC drifting out of their Tabernacle and luring me in while I walked past on the way to my hippy church.

Whaat? I've lived in the northeast and in different parts of California. AC in Sacramento is WAY more important than AC in Connecticut. 100 every day for a month versus upper 70s?

I hate lawns. They're ugly and I'm allergic to them.

I don't club and have no idea what "comping a table" means. You have to pay to sit at a table?

How about because you want to parent? That's a good reason. Legacy? In a few generations you're nothing more than a name on a family tree.

Is there anyone who wants kids but doesn't have them JUST because the world is a mess? Erin admits she wasn't sure in the first place. I don't want kids and the world being fucked up is just one reason on the list and it's not at the top. If I did want kids, I would be scared about the world being a mess but would

Umm, drinking vodka makes me want more vodka. Don't matter what I mix it with. And that's usually ice.

I'm reading these comments and wondering if I'm the only one concerned about how easily he infiltrated the TSA.

So the people in charge of not letting terrorists on planes are easily infiltrated by drunken pricks. AWESOME.

Currently stranded overnight in Minneapolis because of mechanical issues and I had to fight tooth and nail to even get a meal voucher. Delta are some shady moos.

I wanted to be Indiana Jones.

Oh man, I got so plastered on blackberry Manischevitz once. And I don't think either of us spelled it right.

Even better to be a religion who can eat bacon and shellfish AND drink.

As someone who suffers great discomfort in the heat, I'm convinced everyone else fails to take seriously the dangers of high heat.

If you're taking advice from Kim Kardashian, you got bigger problems than what to do during pregnancy.

I have a rescue cat who was seized from a hoarder and she flicks/whips her tail pretty much any time she's awake. I've had to learn how to use other signals to gauge her mood because that tail is always moving.