And even making it private doesn't stop the people you allow to view it from downloading pictures and doing what they want with them. While it doesn't stop me from occasionally putting up a nice selfie, it's still a sobering thought.
And even making it private doesn't stop the people you allow to view it from downloading pictures and doing what they want with them. While it doesn't stop me from occasionally putting up a nice selfie, it's still a sobering thought.
I think American Apparel has those pants.
I don't know what I was up to when these happened, but I've never seen them before today and am thanking God for that.
Drives me crazy that men know to lift the seat but hovering women have yet to figure it out.
Also a valuable skill: aim. :)
I've seen that. It boggles my mind how one manages to do that. When I'm on my period, it's not spurting and spraying out and I was under the impression that was normal.
"You know when I wash my hands after going to the bathroom? WHEN I SHIT ON THEM! It happens once, twice a week tops." -George Carlin
If everyone was like you, we wouldn't be so angry.
I've been ranting against hoverers for years and one of my points is "if you're gonna do it, LIFT THE SEAT." So on behalf of people who hate pee on the seat, I thank you. It's not the hovering itself that bothers me, it's that most people who do it can't aim worth a fuck.
Hover all you want. But if you do, learn to aim. People who piss all over toilet seats and leave it for others to deal with are disgusting pigs. Or here's a wild idea - lift the seat, then hover. Or use the toilet seat covers. Options galore.
She did her job effectively despite finding it personally distasteful and getting paid little for it . Nope, can't have someone like that in government - it would taint the whole process.
I got through the time my neighbor got the shit beat out of her. It would have been nice if the cops had actually come.
When I was very young, a little person entered the reception area of my doctor's office where I was waiting for an appointment. I don't remember my thought process at all, but I remember my mother praising me afterwards for not staring at her. I don't know if that imprinted on me or what, but to this day when I…
I'm generally against armchair shrinking, but someone who would actually complain about an injured child disrupting their chicken-eating sounds like a possible sociopath. Most people, when they see an injured child they think "Oh, that poor little thing." It's called empathy, which is what sociopaths lack.
I have IBS and while it's never happened, I've mentally walked through how I would deal with a flare while on a plane. It usually involves stating loudly exactly what's going to happen if I don't get to toilet ASAP and asking (again, loudly) if they really want to inflict that on the other passengers. In my…
I once asked a flight attendant how long before we reached cruising altitude and I could use the restroom. I wasn't even asking permission to get up, but she still said it was OK if I really needed to. I don't get what was going on here.
I went to the University of Colorado Hospital ER and told them I was having a gall stone attack. They gave me just enough morphine to get me high but not enough to ease my pain, tested me for a heart attack, told me nothing was wrong and to go. (I was on a layover and did not live in Denver, meaning the only place I…
Sorry, I can't take seriously anyone who says "this is what this group likes/wants." People are individuals, not a hive.
I have. Still funny.