
I'm a woman and I would be suspicious of a place saying "spend your money here, we won't take advantage, we pwomise." Also, "you're a chick; you KNOW you want your nails done."

And I thought I was anti-social.

"Have you ever flown solo and been terrified to talk to the person next to you, because you're worried you'll be viewed as some desperately needy, lonely old weirdo?"

"Damn it, Dale!"

I didn't even notice it until you said that. It looks like the cheerleader uniform for an NFL team whose colors are white and green. The Packers? (If they're not the Niners, I don't know shit about 'em.)

OK, that was weird. I'm not good at keeping track of celebrity deaths and it seems that whenever an elderly one dies, my first thought is "Huh. I thought s/he died years ago." This is (obviously) the first time that was actually true.

I don't travel internationally very much and it didn't occur to me that my unlimited data package didn't apply when I left the country until my mother warned me about it.

I recently tried to get my carrier to tell me how much it would cost to use my phone in Canada and whether I would receive a warning about impending fees. They were weirdly cagey about it and I plan on just putting it in airplane mode unless it's an emergency.

In the past 14 years, the only three books which had me up into the middle of the night because I couldn't put them down were Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azakban and The Hunger Games.


I don't watch GoT and have nothing to say about that. (Except that the internet is boring as hell when you don't watch GoT.)

That's cool if that's your thing. I could care less. I tan straight through an SPF 50 and I tan where I happen to have exposed skin while I'm out doing my thing. This bemoaning "grotesque" tan lines has got me eyerolling so hard I've got a headache.

Stop bodyshaming.

I once hurled a non-sensitive epithet at a teenager who accosted me on the street. He pulled my hair and it just came out. Along with a host of profanities. He wasn't even that particular epithet.

Yeah, color me shocked.

Good one.

I vaguely remember some foo fa about Nancy Reagan. That she kind of dismissed as "fats be jealous." I think. I was 5 when Reagan took office.

Regardless of what I can afford, I'm single and childless and don't NEED much house. Problem is finding a house that's not more than I need - they don't make 2 bedroom/1 baths anymore and the older, smaller houses in my area are all fixer uppers. Which I don't have the time/inclination to deal with

I try to go by the William Morris quote: have nothing in your home that you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. The second clause gives me wiggle room. :)

I don't usually respond to people like you. That being said, I don't see anything to "conform" to. A transgendered person is just another person and deserves the same respect and courtesy I give everyone else. Whether or not I think it's "normal" or anything else is neither here nor there.