
I don't see what's so silly. Someone's pet was not contained to their property. If not for being chased by an animal, she wouldn't have fallen. If she can prove $250,000 of damages, it's not an outright frivolous claim. I'm not saying she should just be handed the money, but at first glance it looks like a legal claim

Most jurisdictions hold you responsible for keeping your pet on your property. Shame it was put down, though.

Don't "one size fits all" hats suck ass?

I don't care what anyone says, I love Lululemon jackets, tanks and accessories. But I just moved 8 hours away form the nearest Lululemon store and on Easter I attempted to place my first online order. For a crazy expensive bag. They didn't want my money. They insisted my address can't possibly be my address and their

She's wearing those shoes and her pregnancy is what snarky people focus on?

Even knowing things in real life don't happen as fast as they do on TV, I was still surprised how long it took to get the results of my father's autopsy (bacterial meningitis - there were questions because he didn't respond to treatment.) These things run slow.

I would maybe find this heartwarming if USPS wasn't relabeling important IRS documents with those yellow forwarding labels and sending them to my neighbor, who leaves them on the mailroom floor. Because when I read the above, I read "USPS fucks up some more."

Now that I think about it: DUH. Those are the only two reasons anyone works. :)

I totally get that "my friends" =/= society. That being said, of my friends with kids, the only two that went back to work full-time after having babies either loved their work or really needed the money.

When I lived in Chile, it was a rarely spoken but understood maxim that being rubia (blonde) or de pelo castano (dark hair hair but light skin) was better than being morena (dark hair and skin.) Except among nationalists, who praised the darker woman. It was an interesting dichotomy.

This just in: business cares more about making money than promoting inclusivity in beauty. I'm shocked, shocked I say.

I may be old fashioned, but I still believe that if you've never been in the same room with him, he ain't your boyfriend.

You spend enough time on the air, you're eventually gonna say something idiotic. As apologies go, this one works for me.

Someone who talked out his ass issued a proper apology.

You warned me about penis, but you didn't warm me about semi-erect penis. Turns out it's important distinction to me. Who knew?

I loved it. I respect the writers for taking they risk they did and the conclusion really worked for me. I'm sorry so many feel differently

While I would never claim to have been happy in high school, I do believe the bullying stopped by that point.

I'm not saying people aren't dicks. But I think fear is a factor in the criticism of the unfortunate. People don't like thinking you can work hard and still be in the shit because that you means YOU can end up in the shit. That's too scary, so instead of being scared, let's find what this unfortunate person is doing

At first I was all "why is this a good story? Did she kick that bitch's ass?" Then I read the mother's side and said "Oh. Never mind. Sorry."

No tanks = no me. I'm another sweaty Betty here.