
I frequently threaten to name my never-to-actually-exist daughter "Niamh" just to fuck with every teacher who ever has to read her name off a roll sheet.

I try to not get my knickers in a twist over trendy kid names since they don't affect me in the slightest. But the Ys everywhere...would y'all please just stop putting Ys where they weren't before? That particular trend makes me grind my teeth for some reason.

I opened an account and the very first thing I tried to pinned won an error message "items from this site aren't pinnable." I never bothered again.

My father was SAE. I have trouble reconciling this information with the I man I knew (he passed in 2009.) He was sensible, pragmatic, and had little patience for other people's bullshit. Maybe they weren't that bad in the early 60s, maybe my dad was an idiot at 18. I guess the latter wouldn't surprise me - lord knows

A friend and I toured Nottoway a while back and I was made uneasy by the glossing over of slavery. My friend pulled out the "they were probably better off here than in Africa" and I was all :0 because she's usually very progressive and she's always not white.

I have a pair of her boots. They're awesome.

After a lengthy hold I once asked a phone rep if they were understaffed. "No, we just very high call volume!" Oh yes, that's definitely different. :)

I heartily approve of Sam Elliott's inclusion. I even knew that was his mustache with the headline.

$20 says he still marries her.

I got all clicky on Wikipedia. Turns out there's also a cashmere goat. Which IS where cashmere comes from. Interesting stuff. (Not really, but I'm practically the only person at work right now.)

I always thought angora came from goats. Which is neither here nor there because cruelty to goats isn't OK either.

My mother's birthday is August 30 and I'm mystified you don't celebrate it. It is only one day, after all.

I wear an 8 US and I've noticed when looking down that my butt is taking up a lot of that seat. They don't leave much wiggle room for your average US passenger. It can't really keep up like this for long, I imagine.

I'm a freak of nature who can cross my legs in an airline seat and I still find flying miserable. The whole experience is awful but the hours crammed into closed quarters with strangers is the real pits. The seats are too damn small because they're trying to sell more tickets. It sucks and I hate it. I have to fly in

I hate myself for clicking.

That is gorgeous.

I've wondered that, too. Also "Have these people never SEEN The Daily Show?"

I'm fortunate and privileged enough to spend what I want I food. But on the rare occasion I find myself a little strapped and make a conscious effort to get fresh meats, produce and dairy* on a budget, I'm astounded at how much I still spend. Granted, I live in NYC, but so do a lot of people on SNAP. And a week's

What got me about it was the implication that as an inhabitant of "the world" it's my responsibility to make mothers happy. Eff that noise. I got enough shit to do. My own mom - I'll try. Everybody else's mom is not my responsibility.

Imagine I know how to insert one of those applause gifs here.