My aunt was a school administrator for decades and middle schools were her favorite to work at.
My aunt was a school administrator for decades and middle schools were her favorite to work at.
And then you have a delicious dinner in addition to a warm coat.
My mom not only put up every ornament me and my brother made, but had crap she had made as a kid, a bunch of of old tatty stuff collected and passed down over generations, a garage sale tree topper, and a nativity set made up of the pieces of about eight different nativity sets, including a coconut husk Hawaiian…
My family has a tradition of putting nothing outside the house except a wreath on the door. Step inside, though, and it's like Santa's Workshop from Hell in there. I love it.
I was just coming here to lament the lack of big lights these days.
How to get quietgrrrl to be not 100% not interested in a movie: hire Von Trier to direct.
I was vegan for about 15 years. I got progressively fatter and sicker. When I returned to an omnivorous diet, I regained my health and reached a healthy weight in 4 years. Yet I know people with the exact opposite story. My takeaway is that not everyone thrives on the same diet.
All the TVs at the gym last night were tuned to various JFK programming and I caught one little snippet where they guy who drove Oswald's mom to Dallas after his arrest claimed she showed no remorse for the President's death.
Where you from? Because there's like two size difference between a US 8 and a UK 8. That Spanish chica you keep posting as "no way she's an 8"? Well, she's a better looking version of me and I wear a US 8.
"I don't want no handsome man, 'cause he don't treat me right.
My old cat tolerates any form of affection I give him, including motorboating his tummy. Six months ago I added to my household a rescue cat seized from a hoarder. I learned real quick that she was more like your cat.
My cat does both those things. I love it!
I had comparatively progressive late 80s California sex ed. And I'm still offended that I only learned about the clitoris from some porno mags me and my best friend stole from her older brother.
I do make my bed every day because the room looks more orderly to me. But to each their own; if something isn't necessary and seems pointless to you, don't do it.
I really, really want to be reincarnated as a housecat belonging to someone like myself. When I leave for the gym, he's sleeping on the bed. When I leave for work, he's sleeping in front of the radiator. I feed him the same crap every meal and he thinks it's awesome. I pay all the bills and he pretty much just sleeps…
Vanilla scented shea butter lotion without parabens, sulfates or petrochemicals actually sounds like it could be a good product.
Imagine I know how to insert one of those applause gifs here.
And some people talk too damn much. I guess it's nice to be a woman and be able to say without accusations of sexism?
Doing this right now. OK, you can't really call a guy vanishing after 4 really good dates a break up, but it sucks. And I'm going to feel crappy until I don't feel crappy anymore - the only thing I can do is keep going. I'm going slower and sometimes I'm crying while I do it, but it's all I can do.
I got tacos on Valentine's Day once.