
I've never seen that feature before and it's a real pity they don't open it to comments. That would be hilarious.

Gorgeous doggies. Beautiful.

So who's the recognizable Hollywood actor who raised a pile of crap? I want to make sure to not give him any of my money.

Based on Jezebel's summary, it looks like they enjoy sex more, not that they get laid more.

Never disappeared from the Quiet household. C'mon - beef, mushrooms, and sour cream? Fuck ambrosia - stroganoff is the food of the god(esse)s.

These people don't really get the whole fucking point of health insurance.

Yeah, file this under problems I wish I had.

You know what pisses me off most about these stories? When I called 911 and reported my neighbor being assaulted inside her apartment, NYPD sent NOBODY. But when Barney's reports black people buying stuff, NYPD's all "DEPLOY! DEPLOY! All units respond!! Emergency situation!"

Oh man. Passions was the best.

I watched DOOL in the 6th grade and again for a while in college. Over 15 years later I caught an episode at the gym and it blew my mind that it was still half the same people. And Kristen raped Eric? As in Kristen DiMeara? (No way I'm watching that video.)

Every 3rd girl in my elementary and junior high school was named Jennifer, Amy or Sara(h). High school was spent in hippieville with Raven, Mimosa, Raincat, and Hopi.

Yelled at me for missing a Wednesday deadline on Tuesday. Didn't believe me when I told her it was Tuesday. Didn't apologize when someone else finally convinced her it was Tuesday.

We had a cat named Wino when I was a kid, so named after he got caught slurping out of my mom's glass. The fact that it was pinot for humans didn't discourage him in the slightest.

I was about to eat something when I come upon this. Now I am not.

Last time I heard that one I did quick calculations with my own salary. I could never marry a man who would spend that much on a fucking ring.

Meh. You share finances upon marriage anyway; may as well start with the engagement ring.

"Even though he's totally nice and you get along like gangbusters, you always have to mentally coax yourself into wanting to have sex with rose."

"New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly stated that the NYPD was aware that this ride was going to happen and they successfully kept it out of Times Square."

I actually really like my job. Finding out I have no future in the field AND that I'm forever stuck in New York Shitty is a knife to my heart. It's been rough month since my last two interviews didn't pan out* and I've had to admit it's time to give up.