I've been trying to find a job not in New York for 2 1/2 years. It's not quite that easy.
I've been trying to find a job not in New York for 2 1/2 years. It's not quite that easy.
Like, remind me to stop like, using the word like so often. It's like, I didn't even realize how like, dumb it sounds until I saw it like, written down.
Audrey Hepburn.
My grandmother was Roma. I was raised entirely outside the community and don't claim to speak for it. But I don't get worked up over American ignorance because it's based in lack of knowledge rather than hatred (most of the time.) European Roma, OTOH, face actual hatred and intolerance - just see some of the comments…
If not for Jezebel, I would have no idea who Courtney Stodden is and my life would be better for it. Just saying.
Meh, at least these people I would have no problem with ignoring or even harassing a little. But as much as I support Planned Parenthood, I really wish they would stop begging me for money when I'm walking to work. I just work in a rich neighborhood, I don't live there and I don't have tons of spare cash at any given…
I've gotten to the point where if I feel an episode starting, I can cut it off at the knees. It takes Herculean effort, but it's not like I have other options. The caffeine gives me the motivation to put in the effort as opposed to sit there like a bump on a log. You know, kind of like how they promised the…
I was just coming down here to say the exact same thing about anti-depressants versus stimulants.
I have no idea whether to put "average" or "curvy." I'm a size 8, which is thinner than average, but "curvier" than the current beauty standard by quite a bit. It doesn't help that I've been described to my face as everything from "athletic" to "Rubenesque."
MTE exactly.
One of the biggest profile turnoffs for me: guys who try really, really hard to be funny/creative and give me no inkling of who they are/what they want.
The few times my online dates actually showed up for the dates, they're always pleasantly surprised that I actually look like my pictures.
I get a lot of messages on my profile. I have a consistent problem with those messages turning into text pen pals who never want to meet in person, disappear when I suggest doing so, or who do agree to meet in person only to cancel at the last minute or just stand me up. Seriously, it happens A LOT. I totally don't…
For some reason I'm reminded of the episode of Law & Order that was supposed to be the J. Lo./P. Diddy club shooting incident where the fictional J.Lo. was carrying fictional Diddy's gun in her purse for him.
"I mean, I'm definitely the dude that throws his girlfriend's purse over his shoulder and sashays around Old Navy or wherever like an idiot, for embarrassment and comedic effect... ."
I'm frequently pissed off at manufacturer's of women's professional clothing for not always putting pockets in the pants and skirts. I need my ID and keys with me at pretty much all times.
I was spoken down to for carrying a purse by a fellow women's studies student in college. "You don't really NEED all that shit. We as women are EXPECTED to carry it around."
Take it from Jay: Don't show her your dick until she asks.
Chicken, egg. She gets away with being awful because she's gorgeous, not the other way around.
Everybody seems to strongly disagree with me, but I think it's easier for women in western society to violate traditional gender norms than it is for men. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's easi-ER.