
That any OB/GYN or endocrinologist has never heard of this blows my mind, too. That should be fucking medical malpractice in and of itself.

My cats are indoor cats for THEIR safety. Fuck the birds. (OK, not really. But that sounded good.)

I don't need the party but I would love the presents. "Oh, you're getting married? Here's some new linens, flatware and china. Oh, you're developing and maintaining a functional adult household on your own? Fuck you, use your mom's hand-me-downs or buy the nice stuff yourself."

"...does anyone try to get falling down drunk?"

That was the only part of the story that made me smile.

I've spent years reading about nutrition in books, practicing various types of diets (diet in the traditional sense, not weight loss), and talking to people about their diets. My conclusion is that the optimal diet can vary depending on an individual's lifestyle, personal tastes and possibly even bio-chemistry. I've

It's not that only 80% is possible, that's what's advised. So as to maintain health without sucking all the fun out of life. Fun, of course, being booze and cake. :)

Actually, a lot of recent research is showing getting adequate sleep aids weight loss.

Been there (vegan), done that (Paleo.) Found there are wackjobs obsessed with "purity" pretty much everywhere you go. Lesson learned: eat what makes you feel best and ignore all wackjobs and judgy people (from inside the community and out.)

Loving all the hate on Prozac Nation. That book was a piece of crap.

Stop writing "or something" everywhere. Please.

At least he saved you the cost of a tip.

I live in NYC and am apparently the only woman on the planet who isn't relentlessly harassed every moment she's out of doors.

I don't spend all day on the internet, but I've never seen Courtney Stodden discussed anywhere but on Jezebel. If not for Jezebel's fixation on her, I'm pretty sure I never would have heard of her.

Cool story, bro. I said all that. And am 38, I'm unmarried, childless, and live in an apartment in Brooklyn.

I'm from California and everyone here in NYC thinks I'm from Texas. Like, whatever.

When I'm moving slow or have to stop for some reason, I move to the right and try to GTFO of the way. That's all I ask of other people. If it's too crowded to get around someone who is moving slow but is keeping the edge of the sidewalk, I may be irritated but I have to admit it's unjustified. It's like being behind

I once got so pissed off that I took out my phone to have a fake conversation: "Sorry, I'm running late. I'm stuck behind a pack of tourists walking five abreast and blocking the sidewalk while moving super slow. What? No, I guess they don't have sidewalks in Europe."

I just look at the bag and say "excuse me." No one has ever refused to move it. I'm actually kind of looking forward to the day someone does because I think it would be great fun to then sit on it.

They suck, too.