
Also, guys who get on together, sit on opposite sides of the aisle and proceed to hold a conversation at shouting volume because they're so far apart. I swear to you man, no one will think you're gay if you sit next to each other.

Seriously, so long as you're not stinking up the joint and leaving your garbage on the train, what's the big deal?

I'm one these animal-like, disgusting sub-human subway eaters and even I'll admit that's nasty.

What's wrong with me is I'm hungry and it takes an hour to get to work. I can't afford to live closer. I don't bring on Chinese food (or anything cooked actually, just bagels or protein bars) and I don't leave my trash behind. Deal with it.

Sometimes when I'm on one of the trains that have back-to-back seats I find myself irritated that I keep having to reclaim my hair from behind the person seated back-to-back with me. I have to remind myself that it's MY hair getting in THEIR space, not the other way around.

And somehow I'm a bad person for basing a tip on service instead of automatically giving everyone 20% unless they set me on fire.

Huh. I stop bothering with anyone who messages me more than a few times without agreeing to an actual meeting. I do this just because "virutal" relationships do squat for me - I need to get with someone I can actually, you know, GET WITH. It never occurred to me that this was protecting me from fakes.

Thank you. I can't believe I had to wade through this many comments before someone said this.

Naw, I was being sarcastic, trying to point out that any comment (or gesture, this case) addressed to a fat person isn't necessarily related to their size. I had no idea what her motivation was and at the time it didn't occur to me think it was related to my size. I smiled and waved and finished my run.

Once an old lady gave me a thumbs up while I was out running. Silly me, I thought she was being nice or even admiring my awesome new running outfit. I had no idea she was judging my body size.

You can't find a way to vocally regulate your breathing without ruining the workouts of people who pay the fees as you to use the facility?

If someone doesn't want to see me pump my fist to Within Temptation, they can avert their eyes. They can't necessarily avert their ears if I start chanting "SANTUS ESPIRITUS!" This is why I believe dancing (or other) is lesser sin than singing.

I don't even judge other people's bad form any more. So long as no one is doing anything that affects my training,* I'm cool with everyone.

If I'm looking at you in disgust at the gym, it's because you're on a piece of equipment I want to use. Other than that, I notice nothing about you.

Yes. They're more commonly known as assholes.

"The right to free speech protects you from the government, not the people you're insulting."

I've learned to laugh at it. The most recent one was bacon cheeseburger. Not just a cheeseburger, BACON cheeseburger. The pain is not quite so laughable though. :(

I have nasal polyps and chronic sinus pain and I often smell foods that I know are nowhere around me. Specific stuff like brie or scallions.

Childless by choice. Broke. Not carefree. Shitty, small, filthy apartment. Drinking at leisure curtailed by having to show up at work on occasion.

By being acquitted of half those charges.