Organic greens last longer in my fridge than non-organic. Greens that I eat before they wilt and get gross > greens I end up throwing out.
Organic greens last longer in my fridge than non-organic. Greens that I eat before they wilt and get gross > greens I end up throwing out.
When I attempt to look at myself objectively and say honest things about myself, I'm accused of having low self-esteem.
Scanned some comments. I love how everyone on the internet thinks they're a dietitian.
OK, first I find myself clicking on source links rather than read the Jezebel summary because I want to know what someone actually said/wrote rather than read an obfusacation of it. Then the commenting system somehow manages to reduce the quality and thoughtfulness of the comments by about 75%. Now someone's whining…
Even if he was joking, he still deserved a punch in the face.
I think it says a lot about this day and age that my first reaction was "The parents put that on the internet themselves? Well, that's just begging for trouble."
I realized this was all bullshit after I worked out how my best friend could claim being a mom is OMG SO BUSY 24/7 JOB NO TIME TO MYSELF and simultaneously watch every single episode of American Idol. I'm not begrudging her American Idol, just her claim that that she has no time to herself.
Another woman's response:
Well, that's one way to get rid of this group - congenital birth defects should solve the problem in a few generations. :(
Yeah, the FLDS makes me wish we could suspend the 1st Amendment for just long enough to outlaw the FLDS.
"But non-plus-size does equal privilege."
I picked up one of those pink dumbbells the other day to laugh at it. The book I'm reading weighs more than that thing did.
Today I side-eyed the jerk who walked into a locker room that was completely empty except for me on the scale, and set up shop right in front of my open locker with my stuff in it, right next to the shoes I'd left on the floor. When she had the whole rest of the locker room to use.
I've been a plus-sized and non-plus-sized person at the gym and I want to agree with you, although I can't go as far as to say my experiences are the same as everyone else's.
I've been a plus-sized person at multiple gyms and I never felt judged or harassed. HOWEVER, I accept that my personal experiences do not equal everyone one else's experiences. Just because I've never seen a starfruit at the store doesn't mean no stores carry them.
Non-plus-size does not equate to skinny. This kind of skinny/obese dichotomy is one of the things I hate about the debate surrounding the so-called obesity epidemic and something I didn't expect to see on Jezebel.
Last year the Big Important Study was that women have more auto-immune diseases than men because we're not encouraged to get dirty as kids. I'm still trying to figure out that one, since I spent my childhood grabbing worms after every rain, playing in a cowshit infested creek, and helping the neighbors "slop the…
Haha, I was too smart. Never mind that dudes love smart chicks - when they're hot.
One girl in particular was giving me a hard time in high school and my stepmother seemed to genuinely believe the girl felt insecure compared to me. Because my stepmother was really good at projecting her own insecurities onto everyone else. She was honestly surprised when relatively uninvolved third parties confirmed…
LOL, I was reminded of George Carlin's bit about how no one in his neighborhood got polio because they swam in the Hudson. "We were tempered in raw shit!"