Sounds like my childhood. Yet I have allergies and an auto-immune disorder. No fair.
Sounds like my childhood. Yet I have allergies and an auto-immune disorder. No fair.
I ate dry cat food because I liked the salty flavor. Turns out the hiperhydrosis that runs in the family leaves me prone to sodium deficiency.
I wish I could remember what Darnell said to Joy about her "spray-on pantyhose." I'm sure it would be apropos here.
^^^is a brunette who would feed Ron Swanson all the bacon she has.
"Boring-ass jokes that have been beaten to death ... ."
I don't think she was requesting a second seat for her boobs.
I don't think it was hugely inflammatory, but was likely to have opened the door to great deal of discussion. And I'm just not in the mood today. Sorry.
Deleted because I don't feel like being the person who starts this debate.
I love lifting and I love reading about lifting, but I've somehow never heard of this one. I'll check it out - thanks!
I agree completely that this particular act was not murder but justifiable homicide in defense of a third person. It sounds like the father didn't even intend to kill the perpetrator. I was just answering the author's general question. As many other commenters pointed out, this particular case isn't the best one for…
"Did anyone else catch this in the block quote and find it odd...?"
On paper I can't support vigilantism because of the risk of error, slippery slope, etc. In practice, I can't muster up much moral outrage over parents killing their children's rapists.
Just a few days ago I was telling someone who'd never seen it about the movie based on this case. Except I mixed up my nouns and said in a hilariously bad Australian accent "My baby ate a dingo!" Then we all had a good laugh over how that would have been a better movie.
Above the Law is the National Enquirer of legal blogs. Just wanted to point it out.
I got the job I have now after intentionally leaving my personality at home for the interview. Interestingly, it's proven an enjoyable job that I'm apparently good at.
If people are actually debating this, we're a country that needs a fucking hobby. Seriously America, go find something to do.
Who thought giving a 14-year-old a radio show about ANYTHING was a good idea? Of course he's a dumbass - he's 14.
Also, I think it's universally known by women that when men tell us "you'd look better without makeup" they mean "you'd look better with less makeup." Because when we wear no makeup everyone asks us if we're sick, getting enough sleep, etc. In fact, when I call in sick when I really just needed a day off, I skip…
With my luck, if I ever said that to somebody it would turn out she got fired that morning and then her family was killed a in plane crash.
My supervisor's wife is a kickass U.S. Attorney who runs the shit out of everything. This may explain my good relationship with my supervisor.