I would promote this if I had the power to do so.
I would promote this if I had the power to do so.
"2. You have standards."
I think the common thread here is we're having our individual needs filled by animals because humans fail to do so - the only difference is what we need. I need at least one thing in my life where I'm getting what I put into it. Work, friendship, romance - I'm getting back maybe 50% of what I'm giving. Whereas…
Ironically, Townsend said what he did while citing a recent study that (supposedly) shows that Democratic senators pay their female staffers less than their male staffers. If that study actually exists, I wouldn't mind taking a look at it. However, Townsend managed to create one hell of a scary distraction in his…
Yeah, this office is just "what are you, having PMS or something?" away from the demean-the-gals trifecta.
I haven't even seen anyone from Hayworth's camp claim it was actually a gaffe. Juding from her campaign manager's response, they don't see anything wrong with his comment and are completely unrepentant. It astounds me, and I've come to expect very little from politicians.
I'm going with satire. Please, God.
Based on the response of Hayworth's campaign manager, her office really doesn't give a fuck that he said this. I'm really beside myself at that reaction.
All the stories I saw had a Democrat slant and were pushing the partisan matter, e.g. GOP WANTS TO THROW ACID AT WOMEN; REPUBLICAN THREATENS WOMEN. I would have really preferred to see the words stressed rather than the party of the person who said it, because that just leaves the whole matter wide open (again) to…
Even taken as metaphor, it's still vile rhetoric that our society needs to be moving away from, not using more often.
Totally off-point, but I think it's easier to love a dog because a dog loves you back. Feed it, cuddle it, be nice to it, and it's GUARANTEED it will love you back. Whereas it's extremely rare to get that from humans.
I have rheumatoid arthritis and a tendency towards anxiety and depression. If I really wanted kids, I'd decide it was worth it to take the chance that I could pass on these health conditions. Because it's just a chance, not a definite thing and if I do pass them on, my kids would cope with them and live their lives…
Even if that photo was the one in question, it's still of a very pretty, non-furry-faced girl.
I once got the internet up in my shit because I intimated that Single Ladies wasn't exactly on par with Beethoven's 9th Symphony. I thought those people were goofy but it looks like I got off easy. :(
"If your pets matched your carpet, how would you know if the carpet was covered with fur and it was "Dance with Your Dyson" time?"
Don't worry - it seems like everybody I know thinks it's awesome here and can't figure out why I want to leave. I think they picture anyone outside the tri-state area as illiterate rednecks carrying Bibles. So it's cool. ;)
I'm down with scrappy drunks, marathoners and chickens in the backyard. I applied because I'm sick of the cost of living and humid summers in NYC, but the more I read about Denver the more I think it would be a really good fit for me. :)
At first I was thinking "Avoids answering the question, diverts discussion. Excellent at politics!" Then I got to the "hurl acid" part. What the holy fuck?
I promise to not touch if your guards promise to not yell at me for getting close enough to read the informational placards without going blind. Sometimes the print on those things is really small. Also, I like to examine texture. :)
Care to elaborate? I have a job interview in Denver next week and have only been there overnight before.