
I've battling a hangover all day and this makes me want a drink.

Do they really have $200 white noise machine? Will it drown out my neighbor's snoring? Because the $50 one I bought doesn't.

"I find this a turn-off. Therefore all men find this a turn-off. We have a hive mind and no independent thought is tolerated."

Whoa, major deja vu looking at that Nabooti cover. I don't even remember reading that one, but I've definitely seen that cover. Maybe my brother read it.

Also, the dress code was "semi-formal" so the couples who did go were hilariously mismatched with the girls in ballgowns and the dudes in chinos and Vans.

I grew up in rural northern California and anyone who wanted to go* got to go because otherwise no one would have been there:

"Who actually judges people for doing stuff alone?"

Look at you, bringing this shit to a feminist blog! That's sooo cute!!

Whenever I read something like this, I wonder "Whatever happened to just smoking pot and drinking a ton of beer?"

My friend the state park ranger isn't allowed to have a Facebook. Secret Service agents not only can have them, but can leave them unlocked?

In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't read past the poster. That said, we DO deserve better than an abortion. We deserve full access to reliable contraception.

I follow a few Chilean media outlets on Facebook and such. She's not THAT beloved.

Despite my pretty shitty experiences with therapy thus far, I started thinking about going back into therapy last year. But as the prospect of finding a decent one was so daunting and unpromising, I instead started imagining what Paul Weston would say to my complaints.

No, but I had 2 just not show up for my scheduled appointment. And when I complained about them to later therapists, they would always ask if I had threatened them.

Thank you, really. When I feel bad about myself, I try to remember that I climbed out of a deep hole and I did it pretty much all by myself and after being failed by the very people who were supposed to help me. It's nice to have someone acknowledge the accomplishment, especially since I'm clearly still harboring a

I did indeed suffer from serious depression at one point, which I'm now quite certain was situational rather than organic. It did not respond to any treatment, which included pretty much every psychotropic med you can think of and probably some you've never heard of. When I didn't respond to treatment for depression,

Your ex-shrink and my ex-shrink should get together. She diagnosed me with bipolar disorder, then prescribed losing weight and finding a boyfriend.

I've seen more mental health professionals than I have fingers and toes. They ran the gamut from harmless but ineffective to possibly committing malpractice. None of them helped me one single iota and some of them left me worse off than when I came in. No mental health professional is ever again getting within 20 feet

Even their models don't look good in their clothes. I shake my head in bewilderment everytime I look at the ads.

Not to minimize Ms. Strand's embarassment or TSA's bullshit, but if I walked into an airport bathroom and saw a woman pumping her breasts, I would automatically assume it was some TSA bullshit.