
Dear Ms. Morabito,

I have rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disorder of the joints. I do have a family history and there is a gene that's believed to be associated with it. However, lots of people without the gene still manage to get RA and lots of people with the gene manage to not get it. Like seavie said, there's a lot scientists

I'm actually impressed that 17 year old can write that well.

I dunno about single-parenthood and abuse, haven't studied it. Doesn't sound legit and is pretty stigmatizing. But you know what? The headline is indeed a misstatement of what the bill says.

Too bad you can't photoshop someone's personality.

I never equated squatters with pigs until I had to regularly check toilet seats for piss before sitting down. Now not leaving piss on the seat is my deeply embraced personal cause. I don't care how women get their piss in the toilet so long as they either do it or don't leave their crappy aim for other people to deal

And chances are, 50% of the women who use the toilet after you have called you a disgusting pige while they were wiping your piss off the seat with a toilet seat cover. And wondering why the fuck you didn't use that.

The last time I actually went to a movie theater was to see Breathless. Which makes me sound really old. It was a revival but it was still over a year ago.

No. Grey Goose is what "tricks" me into thinking it's delicious. Except it actually is, so it's not really a trick now, is it?

So that's three things on Jezebel.com in 2 days that made me ask myself "Who the fuck actually thought this was a good idea for which there would be no repercussion?"

Don't come in my size.

I'm 36. I wouldn't call my feelings about not having children "regrets" per se, but there is some wistfulness, I guess I'd call it. But it's not directly to not having kids in my home. I'm very lonely, but that's because I'm isolated from my family, have no friends, and can't get a date to save my life, much less

I skimmed the first few paragraphs to see what she had been in. If it mentioned her being out, I missed it. But that's cool.

The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises is AWESOME.

I was reading this issue on the subway last night. I looked at the cover and said to myself "Shopped." Then I said "Who the hell is Amber Heard?"

That sentence jumped out at me more than anything else in this article, and there's a lot of shitty stuff in this article. What kind of freak does something like that?

I get no more dates with long hair than I did with short hair.

There was a time when I regularly, knowingly wrote bad checks to buy binge foods. Not "I need these groceries to keep from starving to death" food, but "I have ample nutritious food in my kitchen but no money left for pizza and ice cream, but fuck it, I'm buying pizza and ice cream anyway." It was absolutely a


I could give a shit about chocolate fountains, but when I saw a cheese fountain on TV I nearly pissed my pants.