I'm currently a weight floor maven who also tears it up on the promenade or the cardio room if the weather just sucks too bad. I started with Walk Away the Pounds and owe a huge debt of gratitude to Leslie Sansone for getting my butt moving.
I'm currently a weight floor maven who also tears it up on the promenade or the cardio room if the weather just sucks too bad. I started with Walk Away the Pounds and owe a huge debt of gratitude to Leslie Sansone for getting my butt moving.
Lots of vegan foods trigger my IBS. Wheat and coffee, for starters.
So, when a 14-year-old is filmed performing oral sex, it's the fault of everybody except her father. Cool story, bro.
I'm poor, take the trash out enough as it is, and drink maybe 4-5 cups of coffee a week. Not worth it to me.
Me and my friends would have TPed the shit out of any house where we were given Bible for trick or treat.
I tried the meds and suffered the withdrawal, addiction and dependency. They also provided no benefit and the side effects (fatigue, weight gain, sexual dysfunction) just made me more depressed. I would really like some therapy but the last time I tried to get talk therapy without meds, I either got told to FO or had…
I especially love "Right to loose their own sense of humor."
When I read this headline, my hand immediately went to my cowlick to check it's growth direction. Then I thought "Wait, counterclockwise on me or counterclockwise to someone looking at me?"
So what does merit having the NYPD show up? I know from experience a 911 call to report a neighbor being attacked doesn't roust them. What does it take?
I wasn't defending anything; I was asking how effective these methods are in preventing abortions. As opposed to forcing clinics into closing, which is pretty damn effective and what the anti-choicers are getting pretty good at. :(
Just some random thoughts:
Olden days like the mid-1980s? (Sorry, that's what my cousin was told by her hyper-religious father when she tried to leave her abusive husband.)
How to sell beer to this woman, in two easy steps:
Do you live somewhere you can get the Swedish DVDs? I love the books and the BBC version; would love to watch the Swedish shows.
I grew up on California's North Coast - having been in high school there sadly dilutes the fantasy value. Also, no Wallander. :)
Summer can't get it's ass out of here fast enough. Oh, to be to heiress of a secretly rich relative and move to Ystad, Sweden with its average July high of 70F. (I've been watching way too much Wallander.)
Unfortunately, when they get into the habit of typing like that, I think they have trouble transitioning to proper English usage when called for. I work at a law school and while the e-mails I get are not as bad as the quotes above, they're most definitely not what one expects from professional students communicating…
I'm far more horrified by the atrocious writing quoted than I am by the content. If we can't socialize our children to be decent people, we could at least teach them to string three words together into a proper sentence.
My dad spent that last 15 years of his life in Bridgeport. People have a hard time believing I learned snow driving by visting him on Christmas break.
"I had always assumed it pissed off actual Samoans or something... "