
My train of thought upon reading this headline: "Yeah, Thin Mints are good, but really I love the Samoas. Mmm, Samoas. Oh, and Trefoils are yummy, too - you can't beat shortbread. Ooh, ooh, Tagalongs! So delicious!"

If I was making $90,000/year off of being fat, I would have a really hard time giving that up. She's really admirable for the choices she's making here.

Another RA sufferer here. That cartoon sums it up more perfectly than I ever have.

I once clicked on a file that turned out to be notes for my dad's possible memoirs. I could have gone my whole life without reading about how he impressed a Malaysian pimp by paying with traveler's checks. Or reading how Vietnamese prostitutes compared to my mother.

I can't remember what movie it was, but a baby started crying about ten minutes in. The mom took it out promptly, which I (and everyone else there, I'm sure) greatly appreciated. She came back in with a quiet baby only to have it start crying again, at which point she left and didn't come back. Which was excellent,

As someone who doesn't care for being around kids, full stop, but tries to be reasonable about it, I can't fault parents who make an effort to deal with a loud, disruptive child. If a kid's dead set on screaming on the subway, the kid's gonna scream on the subway, but I appreciate when a parent has the decency to

My personal experience: exercise did fuck all to help when my depression was clinically diagnosed as "major, non-psychotic." But when I'm OK but kind of on the cusp of depression (which is pretty much the status quo), exercise fights it off. Along with a host of minor aches and pains. So I do it a lot and am better

I haven't seen Mary Poppins in years but I still know most of the words to this song.

I've often said this one of the few good things about being ugly. Aging isn't that bad.

We all need to start an ugly-people support group because reading the voices of dissent in these comments are the only time in my life I haven't felt utterly alienated.

Well said on all points.

I have nothing great to add to this discussion. But I'm sick of being told the problem is my lack of self-confidence. No, the problem is my fugly-ass face and weird body.

I think it's a psychological defense mechanism. No one wants to believe something horrible can happen to them or to somone they love, so when something horrible happens, they pick out what the victim did "wrong" that they would never do, meaning they're safe. I do it sometimes, knowing exactly why I'm doing it and

I thought it was declasse to tip a server anything less than 20% unless they set you on fire or something.

Terra Nova - now there's a new show I'm actually interested in watching.

I've seen no ad for that show that makes me remotely interested in watching it. In fact, I kind of already hate it.

I don't know celiac disease from Receding Gum Disorder, but since I had my gall bladder removed, I often get gut-twisting, ass-exploding diarrhea after eating wheat. It doesn't happen every time I eat wheat, but every time it happens, I had recently eaten wheat. Unless I'm dying for a bagel and have Imodium on hand, I

I get nervous when I see women with long hair use the weight machines at the gym without putting their hair up. It's always looked to me like a good way to lose some scalp.

Unfortunately, some are going to use this tragedy as a reason why we shouldn't have socialized health care. "See! You can't trust the government with your medical health!"

I'm pretty sure it could be legally construed as assault. An extension of his body (his urine) touched someone else against their will.