
Do you even go here?


I'm gluten intolerant and if someone starts pushing bagels or doughnuts on me, I'll tell them about the cramping diarrhea they will induce. It shuts them up real fast.

And I'm finding some stuff isn't actually as bad as I thought it was. Knowledge is a good thing. People who don't want to see it can not look at it.

I eat mostly whole, minimally processed low-carbohydrate foods and still count calories. I don't obsess or work out for two hours if I go over my limit. I just like to know that I'm generally keeping it in a reasonable area. 3,000 calories a day of salmon and fresh fruit will still cause weight gain for someone of my


My most embarassing cry is during the president's rallying speech in Independence Day. I'm so ashamed of those tears.

Featured after Riley was a woman who huffs $400 of gasoline a month. After that, I really wasn't too worried about Riley.

I know all the comments above mine are expressing displeasure, but I would totally buy those pants with the high waist if they weren't $118. I might still buy them anyway. My upper stomach pooch is the only thing that makes me unhappy about the way I look in my exercise clothes.

4) Cancelled out by being late 30s and fat.

Benefits of being 5'2":

Everywhere else I turn on the internet it's "Women are only after a man's money; bitches only want your cash."

He's remarkably thin-skinned for a big, bad military man.

I don't who or what got me saying "queue up" but it may well have been BBC America. And blame Steve Irwin for my occasional use of "aggro."

My first thought, too.

I can't help but suspect women get more than their share of the blame for the breakdown of the two-parent family. There are lots of independent women who choose to raise a child on their own even when there was another option, but life experience just tells me they're in the minority of single moms. Is there a "Marry

"Also, Steve Harvey sucks at marriage ... ."

Anyone who says "all people of the same gender are exactly alike" clearly has their head in their ass.

The fact that the people in charge of this project think this is a good idea tells you a lot about those people.

"If HHS includes these mandates, the conscience rights of millions of Americans will be violated ... ."