
This West guy sounds like a cry-baby wussy-pants. You wanna be in U.S. politics, buddy, you need to stop being so sensitive.

Well said.

A lot of the items on these cards just reinforce the idea that women are too picky. If he's overly nervous, that's actually kind of sweet. Doesn't drink? I drink too much anyway. And I don't give one flying fuck about his shoes. Is he wearing them? Excellent. Soul patch? If he's nice, respectful of me and fun to talk

Probably the same way she can be unemployed and sending him gifts.

Yes. We have to cling to the belief desperately. The cost of living is so high and standard of living so low, that belief is all we have left.

During my formative years my mother divorced a highly educated, white-collar professional and married a poorly educated,* blue collar laborer. I lived with both men as a father figure at some point and as a result I feel like I don't fit into either sphere. There are reasons I respect many members of both classes,

If that's the worst thing that's ever happened to that lady on OKCupid, she's had pretty good luck.

Assholes like this are the reason legitimate lawsuits about prison conditions are the object of scorn.

Being cited for lying to 911 beats being murdered while waiting for NYPD to not show up. :(

At least once a week I have to jump out of the way while a bike whooshes past a red light through a crosswalk and none of those guys have ever been cited for violating traffic laws. But this lady gets in trouble for biking while wearing a skirt?

I've never heard of any of these people until just now. But this Boyle character sounds like a sub-human piece of garbage.

I don't know why, but I'm getting a lot of reminders this week about how I'm supposed to be a lot more horrified with my body than I really am. I have large breasts, pubic hair, I sweat a lot and I menstruate; apparently I'm supposed to be humiliated by and ashamed of all these things. Good thing I'm not, because

"The controversy over candidates using musicians songs started with Ronald Reagan mentioning Bruce Springsteen's 'message of hope,' during an appearance in New Jersey (contrary to popular belief, he didn't actually play the song 'Born in the U.S.A.')"

I called 911 when my neighbor was getting beat up by her boyfriend and was told a unit was en route. I shouted "The cops are on their way!" out an open window to try to stop it. NYPD never showed. So now this guy knows he can do whatever the hell he wants to this woman and even if someone does call the police, they

I hate when people make out on the subway. Get a fuckin' room.

I remeber how the the last time they split, Perez Hilton blamed Leoni's cheating. Yeah, HE went to rehab for sex addiction, but it was HER fault they separated. Okey dokey.

After reading a fuckton of books on nutrition (written for laypeople), I declared a moratorium on such reading last year. Nobody really knows for sure EXACTLY what's going on with food and longevity. I decided all I can really do is eat lots of fruits and veggies, not a lot of junk food, avoid wheat since my body

My two boilermaker/day habit is going to kill me long before my 1-2 Diet Coke/day habit will. Seeing as I'm currently scheduled to outlive my retirement account, I don't see the problem.

Most? 40% said they want a boy, 60% said girl or no preference.

Yeah, I read the whole article and pretty much all I took away was "LOL Disney enthusiast." I'd never even heard of such thing until just now.