
Also, neither this nor the linked article says what type of python it was. Some species are notoriously more aggressive than others, regardless of size. I used to own a crazy mean garter, but as he was about 10 inches long and as thick as my pinkie, it wasn't anything to worry about it. I mean, it hurt a bit when he

My, how times have changed. When I was little and we ran out of cough syrup at 2 AM (no all night stores in the sticks), I got a half shot of bourbon. I went nighty-night and was fine the next day. No hospital, no diagnosis of overdose, and no news story. Plus, I somehow managed to avoid becoming an alcoholic as an

It still confounds me that kids/not kids is a matter or debate. If they're good for you, fine. If they're not good for you, fine. Why is it anybody else's concern?

"...with just 21% of women surveyed prepared to say the economy was "strong"... ."

I want to see the statistics that say "most" single mothers are on public assistance.

Definitely don't yammer on your cell phone for your whole workout while wearing a tank top that says "SHUT UP AND TRAIN." I will be telling people about you and laughing for years to come.

Where's my "I'm not pregnant, I'm fat!" shirt?

Oh, the irony. While I was typing the above comment at work, my cat had been trapped in my closet ever since I got dressed in the morning and didn't notice he'd wandered in there. And the dear sweet boy didn't even pee on my shoes.

The SPCA campaign was sorely in need of lampooning; I don't know a single person who doesn't run to change the channel when it comes on and I've wondered if making a fundraising ad no one can watch is actually effective. But this parody leaves a bad taste in my mouth, implying that those of us deeply affected by

I went to the Pew Research Center's website and skimmed the full report, then took the "interactive survey." If those were the same questions they asked the respondents and the same answer options they were given, I call "crap survey."


I don't remember anyone bitching about a nanny state when Nancy Reagan was telling us to not do drugs.

I think turmeric smells (and tastes) like ass. But I don't go around Febreezing Indian restaurants.

I made the mistake of reading the comments after the article when I saw it on NPR about a half hour ago. People couldn't wait to start vilifying Arab/Muslim culture and pretending women are never raped in proper, white, Christian countries. Edited to clarify: The slash between Arab and Muslim doesn't mean I think

"You're single this Valentine's Day and no one is going to let you forget it."

Feminists Against the Female Orgasm? Really, Jezebel?

Do we know that Ms. Ramirez was trying to change the system from the inside before the system deemed her too fat?

Girl on girl violence is the worst kind, Kelsey.

Generalizations, schemeralizations. I keep the windows open all winter and blast the shit out of the AC the second it hits 75. Should I turn in my ovaries now?

I don't display my relationship status for the same reason I don't display my religion of political beliefs. It's just none of the business of the girl who cheated off me in geometry in the 10th grade or my graduate school internship advisor. The people who should know this stuff about me already know.