
You know what I can do without? Men who think I'm feigning interest in baseball to be desirable to them. FU.

@Lassus: So glad to skim the comments and see I'm not only one who doesn't think On The Road was genius. I thought it was dull and the characters pretty scummy.

@DAP86: No. The groups often get lumped together, even by people who know there's no relation. It's likely because of the traditionally nomadic lifestyles, discrimination faced, and unsavory reputations. But other than that, there is no connection between the two groups. I actually know little of the origins of the

@ashley_howard: There does seem to be more awareness and less tolerance of bullying currently than ever before and I'm glad to here some places are making progress in dealing with it.

LOL, call a teacher a fatass and you out of there. Call a classmate that or any host of stuff that's way worse, and it's "kids need to toughen up to cope with society - bullying is a part of childhood."

@DAP86: I knew exactly what you were trying to say and that no offense was intended. It's just that we're talking about a people who have historically been targeted for genocide and you said there is no place for us in society. When you say "the Roma" you're talking about an ethnicity, not a lifestyle, so your choice

@DAP86: Your first sentence kind of got my hackles up. I know it's not what you meant, but you literally said that there's no place in the world for me. Or 25% of me anyway. I understand what you're actually saying, but it was hard for me to get past that first sentence.

My stepmom claims that she was the one who turned Joplin onto Southern Comfort.

These people realize that someone who can't afford an abortion can't afford a baby, right? I thought they were against funding those slutty welfare queens.

@newageamazon: I once bought a Tommy Hilfiger plus size blazer online where on the model it was clearly shaped at the waist. When I received it, I was really pissed to discover it was box shaped.

@LibraryChick: Only have sex with your husband. Didn't you know that any child born to straight, married parents is automatically promised a healthy, happy life full of opportunities? It's only children born out of wedlock that suffer poverty or strife.

@StuckOnRepeat: I went on a date last year with a guy who was stunned to learned this was an actual group of people and not something made up by the writers of of that Eddie Izzard/Minnie Driver TV show whose name escapes me.

Has she been hanging out with Randy Quaid?

@ALittlePriya: I'm sick, exhausted and miserable. I'm going home tonight, taking 2 sudafed with a cough syrup chaser, and watching some Fawlty Towers.

@lolita7b3: I was aghast at that. This Krupp woman is completely lacking in manners and class.

I had no idea Basil Fawlty was still in business.

@AristotlesCrab: I have four black pantsuits and a collection of mostly white shirts. Getting dressed is a breeze and if anyone at work thinks it's weird that I wear a black pantsuit and white shirt everyday, they haven't said so. So long as I do my work and don't show up in a bikini, I doubt they really care.

@la.donna.pietra: I would promote this if I had that privilege. Vasquez FTW.