My father, a veteran, argued that women in combat units was a bad idea because the men in the unit would feel obligated to protect them and it would decrease their effectiveness as a whole.
My father, a veteran, argued that women in combat units was a bad idea because the men in the unit would feel obligated to protect them and it would decrease their effectiveness as a whole.
@anaisnun: I lived in Boise for 3 years. Whenever I got depressed about living in Boise, I'd make myself feel better by saying "Well, at least I don't live in Nampa!"
I'm not even going to read that article because nothing can top the headline. "Pornographer never meant to offend with hymen cam" is the funniest thing I've read this month.
How does that even happen, especially pre-"enhanced pat-down"?
Thanks for reminding me how much I hate Nampa.
@Sunshineyness: I would never ask for a refund without a receipt in the first place. If I can't keep track of the receipt, exchange or store credit is the most I hope for.
Before I finish this comment, I want to stress that I have worked retail and I've never tried to get a refund without a receipt.
@Ri_L is Team Squidward: Having never been beautiful, I at least have had plenty of time to get used to being worth nothing.
I say the person who came up with that should post his/her own picture for comment. Actually, anybody who wants to rip on someone else's appearance on the internet should have to do that. Let's see your beastly faces, my friends.
I love cats as much as the next chubby spinster, but that shit would drive me nuts if I had to listen to it regularly. I thought my boys made too much noise with their plastic bowls.
@steamy yogini: "Why is it called "hazing" for these young men?"
@Penny: LOL, this is why I wasn't too upset when my wallet was stolen 5 years ago. I'm a little more peeved today, though
A hotel room in Temuco, Chile.
I officially take back "scum". That was not a well-thought-out comment. I mean what febreezick said and fucked up the execution. Sorry.
Way to punish everyone for the bad acts of a few. Peeing when you need to is not a privilege, it's a right.
@jumpingpiglet: I was just wondering today if there was something like this. It's the balls of my feet that always suffer, yet the insoles I buy seem to think I want heel padding.
Doctors who would do this are scum.
I'm torn between "to each their own" and "jesus god, that's creepy."
@attilathehoney: I'm glad to hear it's not just me.
At least it sounds delicious.