The still before the jump looks a heck of a lot like a ball python. I had to stare for a few minutes before I saw a baby in its mother's womb. It was like that old lady/young lady drawing.
The still before the jump looks a heck of a lot like a ball python. I had to stare for a few minutes before I saw a baby in its mother's womb. It was like that old lady/young lady drawing.
@wreath of lights: My favorite "advice" ever was when Glamour (probably) told me to wear pleated pants to look slimmer, than told me two pages later to never wear pleated pants because they add bulk. Oh, OK.
@divinelioness: Yeah, I read that and said "but...he's right."
@loopsonflowers: This is the last time, I swear. And I apologize to you and the Jezebel community for being such an obsessive dickwad.
@loopsonflowers: Yes, I'm back. I was totally full of shit when I claimed I wasn't vested in this debate. :D
@loopsonflowers: I think our point of contention is the definition of diet. In my book "diet" is what you eat, whatever that is and whatever your goal, be it weight loss, health, pleasure or not starving to death.
@loopsonflowers: I think the reason I get bugged so much by diet vs. lifestyle change is because I've seen people insist "The way I eat isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle. YOU'RE on a diet - THAT'S BAD." The difference being the type of diet.
@loopsonflowers: But as RedLantern points out below, they all claim "this isn't a diet, it's lifestyle change" and they still all have low success rates. I'm not really invested in it enough to develop a more detailed argument than I already have, but if one wants to lose weight and keep it off, they have to eat a…
Something tells me Weight Watchers wouldn't be entirely on board with the artichoke I plan to eat with mayonnaise with dinner tonight. With chicken wings and mesclun mix. It's gonna rock.
@sarasasa: OK, cool.
@Rabbitty: Fuck yeah, marzipan! I love that shit!
@RedLantern: I see the word diet falling into misuse as a marketing ploy. Diets rightfully have a bad rep so the people selling them are trying to revamp the image by changing the name. But they all still involve limiting food intake in some way. Saying it's not a diet has done little for the long-term success of…
@sarasasa: Are you speaking to a rhetorical you? Because I don't recall saying cookies would help me lose weight and I'm confused.
@sarasasa: A couple years ago, "Diets are Bad" was their whole ad campaign. I never quite understood how limiting your food intake by counting points wasn't a diet, but that was their selling point at the time. So maybe it's the people they lured in with "Hey, we're not a diet! Diets are bad!" that are squawking now.
@Deeba: "But people who want to see trees can so so pretty much anywhere."
My gut reaction? Fearing it is rational. Fearing it so much that you won't have babies even though you really want them is not quite so rational.
Eww, trees. Who wants to look at trees?
Reading the other comments reminded me of one part of the sex ed I got at the Catholic school where I spent my senior year. "Birth control is not approved by the Church. I'm about to speak of various contraceptive methods solely for educational value. Wink wink."
What I remember is the lack of any mention of the clitoris. I think it's telling that "education" pretended it didn't exist and I had to learn about it from porno mags stolen from my best friend's older brother's bedroom.
Never heard of this until just now. I clearly spend too much time working, cooking, reading and such and not often time on the internet.