
Age: 10

@no clever name: It's such a frequent problem for me that I've kind of lost all squeamishness about it and instead of being embarassed, I overshare. I have other colleagues who probably wish they knew less about my bowels.

No narcissisistic personality disorder? What do I accuse my (late) father of now?

@Mensa: Based on personal experience, they need to know this because the place isn't horrible enough to work at already and they need to find ways to make the employees more miserable.

@trouble-bubble: I actually had to explain to my boss how I've suffered regular diarrhea since I had my gall bladder out and was late a lot because I couldn't get on the subway until I stopped shitting all over the place.

@Minabee: I was getting ready to post that I hope this is a Phoenix-esque practical joke. That would be less sad.

@badmutha: Oh, I get it. I was wondering why Miss New York's sash seemed to be bearing the word "county."

She looks like Denise Richards.

One of the smartest things I ever did was friend my boss' assistant and not forget I did so. I have a very nice, professional, classy Facebook page.

Generally, I'm in agreement that I'm-right-and-you're-wrong atheists are pains in the ass and often just the other side of the evangelical I'm-right-and-your're-wrong coin. However, I think 2 millenia of tradition can withstand the assault of a mean billboard.

I don't think this guy actually understand what consent means.

@savethemax: My father ran a business for years and told me that he didn't hire very attractive women because they were a distraction for the whole office.

Didn't read a word of this. I just like the sweet picture of the lady with her arm around her grandpa's neck.

This really has little to do with retouching, but I forgot about it until just now and it's funny. Our high school yearbook photes were in black and white my first two years. My junior year, they deigned to publish the senior photos in color. They were pretty bad pictures - even some of the attractive kids came out

@thebestofjillhives: Spending holidays with a bunch of people I don't really know who invited me out of pity is really not much better than spending it with my family.

"This is our France...The France of the ‘terroir,' of regional customs, of traditions. The one that, we say, still has values. It's not the glitzy France of St.-Tropez, where there are half-naked girls being sprayed with Champagne at 10,000 euros a bottle! That's not our France."

Drunk people: we suck sometimes.

I'm generally opposed to armchair shrinks seriously diagnosing people they've never met on the internet. But sometimes it's plainly clear that someone just ain't right in the head.

@Anilisha: Even if it did, I still probably wouldn't want it. I don't shy away from walking under ladders, but I can't shake the superstition that objects can carry bad mojo. Even if we happily celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary, I think it would still bother me some.