I can't help but wonder why $24 instead of $20 or $25. It seems like such a random amount.
I can't help but wonder why $24 instead of $20 or $25. It seems like such a random amount.
I would never accept an engagement ring that last belonged to the participant in a heavily publicized divorce. Bad mojo.
Not working full time = not an option for me. What am I supposed to do - send the cats out to earn the rent money?
@extravagantaurora: I read a workout/diet book once where the trainer pictured before and after pictures of her clients. Two of the five them were pregnant in the before picture. It was quite possibly the stupidest thing I had ever seen.
@lavenderstain: I'm way more interested in that than in Christina's diet/work out schedule.
I think women who say say stuff like this should put their money with their mouths are and get their asses back in the kitchen where I don't have to see/hear/read about them.
I avoid flying whenever possible because the whole experience is just god-awful from parking at your starting airport to getting out of the airport at your destination (8 hours after you were scheduled to land.)
LOL, traditionally female handwriting.
Random triva: A.J. Langer married into English nobility and now has a title.
I had a roommate who never took out her garbage. She just threw the full bag in the pantry and shut the door. But if I ever forgot to take out the recycling (or couldn't because my rheumatoid arthritis hurt too much) I'd sure hear about it.
That cake looks awesome.
@Daywalkers: I can't stand when criminal assault is labeled bullying. IT'S ASSAULT.
I'm looking into getting breast reduction surgery and one of my (more minor) concerns is what to tell people at work when I need time off. We're close enough and friendly enough that when someone else needs a medical leave, they tell us why. If I'm cagey about what I'm doing, they'll worry that I'm very sick or…
Mock her all you want, but I want my armpits tattooed. That's fucking awesome.
I can't speak for all women. But what I want is to be recognized as and treated like the individual I am. My wants, needs, worldview and life aims are not determined by my reproductive organs. Neither are men's.
"As an antifeminist I believe in true equality between a man and a woman."
@You got it, Dude!: You can try "no, thanks" but I've found that
I'm obviously still bitter about my last two first dates, because
@caseycannolis: I don't expect my friends to not post about their wedding plans because I'm 35, have never had a boyfriend and it makes me feel like an unwanted, hideous freak. If it really gets to me, it's my responsibility to hide them.
I often wonder if my friends who are now SAHMs feel as lame about having nothing to post about but their kids as I do about having nothing post about but my work.