Amy Alkon. Psychology Today.
Amy Alkon. Psychology Today.
I'm not a fan and know nothing about Allen except that she was very happy to be pregnant. I'm very sorry for her loss.
Carpool lane.
@spiderlady: Yes. Also, what your own body does also makes a difference. My hiperhyrosis-inflicted self (aka one sweaty bitch) obviously should wash more than a woman who does little more than "glow" every once in a while. If not for hygiene, but for others not having to smell my stank.
The writer sounds very angry. Some l-theanine might be helpful with that. :P
I really wish this was an episode of Law & Order. Jack McCoy would come up with something else to charge him with and he'd plead out and go to prison for awhile.
@gunnstreetgrrl: RA is indeed an autoimmune disorder. I read after I experienced what I did that naturopaths treat RA as a food intolerance and will often start with a juice fast, the idea being that getting out of you what's causing the auto-immune response will quickly alleviate symptoms. I ate a very "clean" diet…
I'll agree it's possibly (likely?) coincidental, but when I did the Master Cleanse, my rheutamoid arthritis lessened very significantly in severity and I've suffered little from it ever sense.
I think it's worth pointing out that's official policy is NO BODY SNARKING, PERIOD. That some commenters choose to violate it in either direction way can't be held against the site.
@zebrachick83: I not only find her unhot, I find her unfunny. I've only ever seen her on The Daily Show and she seems downright awkward in front of a camera. I don't get the appeal.
I live alone. The whole apartment is QuietgrrrlLand. It's outfitted with too many books and lots of blankies and comfy perches. And a ton of incense and yummy food. And cat toys.
OK, so neither Kelly, Coles, nor the writer of the Fashionista piece linked to have actually seen the show, yet they all have opinions on judgments on it..
@slowtraincoming: That's what I believe, too. But I never want to give the impression that I think being fat is the same as being black and I need to make that clear in the future when I use the tool.
@MadameD: I didn't intend for that to be the comparison. This analogy came about the day a student kept complaining about the "scary mentally ill people" coming into the library. I tried to tell her that this was an unfair characterization and she clearly didn't understand why. So I said "What would you think if I…
@lisarinna - What?
@sweezy: Yeah, my overweight self leads SUCH an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm totally killing myself with this awful 6 day/week exercise schedule and my stubborn insistence on eating 5 fruits and vegetable a day. My doctor lectures me about it every time my cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglyceride all test within the…
The bottle of Jack Daniels I bought last week stated "This is an all-natural product!" I had suspected before that such claims were marketing gimmicks, but this clinched it.
@SarahMC: "People I care enough about to discuss this with" is obviously a self-selecting group. But I actually have seen it be quite enlightening to the people I've used it with.
@Modern Sense: You're new here, aren't you?
Here's a barometer I use to show people how something they've said may be offensive: replace fat/mentally ill/etc. with "black", write it down and read it.