
@Hey Girl Hey: P.S. While he may be an anomaly, he never gets mats in his coat. I brush him occasionally because he loves it, not because I have to. He is very prone to hair balls, though. I just started him on Laxatone and it seems to help.

@Hey Girl Hey: While I did call him a douchebag in an earlier thread, I still adore my Maine Coon. He's a touch mischievous at times, but he's got an awesome personality and people really like him. He's very friendly and affectionate.

Oh, I get it; it's Caturday. I'd be more excited had my cat not decided to be a douchebag last night and wake me up repeatedly with antics like knocking my glasses off the nightstand and getting his claws stuck in the string of the window blinds.

Where was Australia's Advertising Standards Bureau when, as a small child, I was given nightmares by a billboard for a Rolling Stones album? "I'm black and blue from the Rolling Stones and I love it!"

I broke my ankle just looking at those shooes.

@1girl: The first time I saw my current doctor, he brought up my weight. Then he looked at my totally awesome test results and never mentioned it again.

Um, it was 19 years ago and it doesn't seem to have affected your husband's career any. Get over it.

I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's not the loving that's driving them skinny, but the Joan Riverses ("Winslet's arm weighs more than all of Helen Hunt!")and anonymous internet asshats. Have you noticed that you can't find a picture of Hendricks on a non-feminist website without people either calling her fat outright

Sorry, I have only so much empathy to share before I'm a hollowed out husk. And I'm gonna save it for those who actually deserve it.

@ragamufffin: This. I saw a very qualified and pleasant applicant to my organization go down in flames this way.

Re: the advertising - I always thought putting on airs was a bad thing.

@JerseyGrrrl: When I saw the picture before reading anything, I actually did think this was a post about Sweet Valley High.

@AnikaG: I think one of the most romantic things I've ever seen was on Parks & Recreation. I don't know if you watch it, but the main character has pictures of the woman politicians she admires most in her office. A man trying to court her had no idea who they were and showed it. But then a week later he returns and

Also, when my best friend from elementary school posted our 1st grade class picture on Facebook, I wouldn't have believed the girl she had tagged as me was really me except for the Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt. I totally remember having that shirt, but I sure don't remember looking like that.

One my favorite Christmases was the year I got the Strawberry Shortcake "car" - a berry box on wheels pulled by a snail. I don't remember thinking of them as diverse - I think I just loved all the fragrances. Except my Blueberry Muffin always smelled bitter.

I buy only black underwear because I like always having the right drawers for when I'm on my period. And I always wear nude bras because I always wear white shirts and nude shows less under white than white does. (Go figure.)

Aren't they all really just girdles? We can call them "shapewear" all we want, but they're still fucking girdles.

As a professional librarian, I'm totally over the codex fetish. I love reading, but the physical items themselves are just the carriers - I'm all about the content. Organize them, preserve them, make them acessible, yes, along with the other various vessels of information. But books themselves don't get me hot.

Aww, sweet publicity. Something's telling me this piece of garbage is now learning a thing or two about being harassed.