
Hey, hey - no negativity about Mo’s hair. It is joyous!

Not to minimize, but what a great story to have when asked, “How did you get that scar?” “I was shot by the FBI.” No need to elaborate.

I used to wonder at these people who could forgive others for horrible things. It took me a long time to understand the difference between forgive and absolve/excuse. I always thought they were synonymous, and I was expected to act like everything was okay if I forgave someone. I wondered what was wrong with me that I

Wondering how long before the “It was a senior prank, a joke.” defense get put out there.

Obviously neither he, nor the team, played differently. The difference is the atmosphere, the stadium experience, being in the moment with 40,000 or so other fans. Add to it that Torino is a gorgeous city; Italian hospitality is always topnotch, and it was a great trip.

Not ashamed to say I travelled to Torino specifically to watch Juve play. I knew there wouldn’t be many more years of having Gigi on the pitch, and I didn’t want to miss seeing it all live at least once. Ended up getting to see two matches and loved every minute of it.

I wanted to slap her bug-eyed, bitch face. For all of the “I’m a Blood Princess” posturing, she shows a complete lack of education and breeding. Petty as hell.

You know what would be really awesome? If the legroom shown in the safety video were what you actually get on the plane. When I saw that obscene exaggeration I just got pissed.

And perhaps if those working single mothers were paid a living wage, they wouldn’t have to leave their children home alone when schools are closed. What exactly do they do with them during summer and spring/winter breaks? Does this guaranteed sexual assault happen then, too? So many questions.

The cat sleeps on the bed, on top of the covers. He is curled up either against my back or my chest every night depending on which way I am turned. I have a hard time sleeping if he isn’t there.

Maryland, your move.

By early 2011, fed-up neighbors had pooled together money to build 8-foot wooden fences along the property line on both sides of Caddell’s house, blocking the flag from view from everywhere except the front. Caddell upped the ante, raising her flagpoles higher.

So I should consider putting on socks?

What an awesome day! It was difficult to judge the size of the crowd when packed in the middle of it, but once we started moving towards the White House, it was amazing to see streams of people moving from multiple streets. And they kept coming, wave after wave.

I am over 45 with some fine lines and age spots. I LOVE this foundation. I never wore foundation until I purchased this because it never felt/looked natural.

This has to be the one time when men’s fashion out did women’s. The men look quite dashing. Most of the women look like they are wearing Little House on the Prairie nightgowns. Sorry/not sorry.

As I understand it, employers must, by law, provide reasonable accommodations for religious beliefs. Reasonable meaning there is little (not zero) cost or burden to the company or co-workers.

Back in the Middle Ages, there were penitentials issued by the Church that listed out the penance a woman must do to be absolved of the sin of abortion. Yes, it was considered a sin, but a venal sin, one that could be forgiven with some fasting and prayer. How and when did it transform into a mortal sin resulting in