This was great! I hope you keep getting more game devs to come on, it’s always super interesting. My favorite bit of this one was his observations about Activision as a business.
This was great! I hope you keep getting more game devs to come on, it’s always super interesting. My favorite bit of this one was his observations about Activision as a business.
Interesting, thanks for the info!
Interesting, thanks for the info!
The Blackwidow Stealth has the numpad and all. I want a Tournament Blackwidow Stealth with hotkeys on the left.
The Blackwidow Stealth has the numpad and all. I want a Tournament Blackwidow Stealth with hotkeys on the left.
Yeah sorry, meant Tournament Stealth. I have one!
Yeah sorry, meant Tournament Stealth. I have one!
Man I want a mechanical keyboard with the Razer Stealth layout (No numpad etc.) but with a row of hotkeys on the left side. I haven’t seen one like that yet.
Man I want a mechanical keyboard with the Razer Stealth layout (No numpad etc.) but with a row of hotkeys on the…
Games like Hotline Miami are designed around this flow. Instant level loads and music that doesn’t get interrupted after death is the main thing that gets you in that state and can keep you playing longer.
I feel like it’s a bit too self-indulgent, once it gets going around 3:20 though it’s pretty awesome I admit. That’s a long time to wait for a song to get to the point though. Might just not be for me.
It’s possible that they might make it Eaglesong/Reaver/Mystic Staff and get rid of Radiance for DAC (Considering DAC wasn’t a Major, but will likely become one).
Yeah, especially the chocobos. I mean the only time I liked Chocobos in Final Fantasy was in 7 where you could raise them, and raising them actually meant if you got a better chocobo you could get to new places with them.
Man, I bought Catherine on day 1, and only played it for 30 minutes. The puzzle stuff was just too annoying for me.
Actually, does it have some sorta co-op? Could be a fun game to play with people.
You aren’t convincing me to buy this one, buddy.
Twitch chat now in Kinja. My life is complete.
This has to be a copy pasta right?
While I can appreciate the idea of a pet being clumsy and using that as a gameplay mechanic, in a fast paced multiplayer game that is aiming to be competitive, it seems like a pretty weird design choice. It seems more like Blizzard just wanted to avoid any sort of micro which resulted in an AI controlled bear.
Since you finally started playing Dota 2:
Man, AoE2 had such great art direction. It still looks good today.
This is true. MS has definitely got greater expertise in this area, being an Operating Systems company. Sony is still primarily a hardware company.
Oh dang, you are right. When I first read about the feature I think I read that it downloaded a digital copy when you put the disc in, so I assumed it was using a rebuilt version of the game. I just read they don’t actually change the bits at all. That’s incredibly impressive.