
Yeah, them not having PS1 BC is just stupid I agree. PS2 emulation shouldn’t be that hard to do either.

You can get most PS3 games on PS4 digitally? You don’t mean PS3 to PS4 ports do you? Even if you have a PS3 game digitally, that doesn’t mean it will work on your PS4. This is completely ignoring licensing and other issues, just from a pure technical standpoint PS3 digital games wont work on a PS4. Recognizing a valid

If you are asking for PS1/PS2 software emulation that’s pretty fair, but PS3 software emulation is not going to be possible on PS4. Now they could do what the Xbone is doing and basically convert a PS3 game to a PS4 game, but that is probably much more difficult to do since the PS3 and PS4 architecture differences are

Pretty much as soon as the phone ships it applies the extra year to your account.

Pretty much as soon as the phone ships it applies the extra year to your account.

Does getting a higher mission grade mean anything outside of achievements? Do you get better rewards or something?

1.) So most motherboards (even pretty high end ones) do not come with Wireless networking. You will have to spring for a card that specifically says has wifi + bluetooth. They are generally more expensive. According to a lot of people it’s not worth it, and it’s better to just buy a USB bluetooth/wifi dongle.

I can’t speak for LoL, but I watch a lot of Dota streams and many pros prefer playing on EU servers because they like the players better. They would most definitely have better ping on USE than EUW, but they still queue there sometimes.

Yeah I doubt it man. Dota has a fraction of LoL’s userbase and we have separate servers for US East and West. While pros definitely have issues finding matches, it’s never a problem for the majority of players to find a match. And I play with friends on the east coast all the time (I live closer to the west coast),

They probably have the capability to make the single player versions have the same amount of destruction (I can’t think of any technical reason why they wouldn’t) but aren’t doing it because you can’t really build a campaign around a city you can completely destroy. For multiplayer, once the match is over, the amount

This is definitely one of my favorite tracks of all time. I listeded to it on repeat for more than a year after I finished ME2. Jack Wall is incredible. Even though I didn’t like ME3 all that much, it was still worth it to hear what he composed.

I started Witcher 2 a while ago and I have the same problem every time I try to play it.

While this isn’t the case for all MOBA games, you do not grind or pay for anything gameplay related in Dota 2. Anything you buy in the game is purely cosmetic. The only way to get better at Dota is to play the game and improve your own skill. There is no such thing as “grinding” in a moba, as nothing carries over from

It’s kinda sad, it doesn’t have the kind of fan following that VII does and it’s not PS2 era so it’s really hard to do a remaster like they did with FFX (it’s why they are probably going for XII first), so it’s unlikely the game will get any love.

The only thing I really want are faster battles. Just let me speed up/turn off battle animations and cut out the battle load times and I’ll be happy. It’s the only reason I can’t replay the game today.

Man, as long they eventually remake FFIX. That’s the only one I really want remade.

Yeah, I love Laura Shigihara. For some reason I never subbed to her channel and missed that video. Thanks for reminding me to sub, and yes that’s an awesome song.

Now playing

He’s hands down my favorite composer of all time. They’ve done quite a few arrangements from Chrono Trigger and they are all pretty amazing (especially recommend listing to Guardia Millenial Fair)

Yeah, it’s my favorite from CT too (well, maybe it’s a tie with Scala’s Theme), this version is so good.

One day I hope I’ll be half as good as that at playing the guitar.

The person who wrote this article is a huge fan of stalker. It’s possible to like both series!