
Ok let me break it down for you, since you seem to have misunderstood my argument.

Did they give reasons for why you cant pause in co-op? I know most multiplayer games dont support this, but it is possible. If I can unilaterally pause a game of Dota 2 which affects 9 other players, it doesn’t seem like it would be that out of the realm of possibility to pause a 2 player PVE co-op game.

Think I’m finally gonna start Spiderman! I was hoping the DLC would get discounted before I started playing but it looks like I’ll have to wait much longer for that.

Xenogears is one of my favorite games of all time, but man lots of it has not aged well. I’ve tried to go back and replay it many times, but its just so goddamn clunky. I just simply dont have the patience 14 year old me had when I first played it.

Yeah I dont play anymore, but I still try to keep up with the game and the patches (because once a dota addict, always a dota addict). Looking at them now the battle passes/compendiums do seem to be a lot worse value for money even they still are putting out a lot of cool stuff.

Ah I see. I used to play a ton a couple years ago and I was going off of how things were back then. Now I just follow the pro scene.

You would need to spend around $1000 to get a battle pass to level 2000. Yes you could gain levels by playing the game, but I dont think you could gain more than 100 or so levels in the timeframe they gave. Its mostly money.

Probably should add that his controller was wired:

Oh, yeah, the article actually does acknowledge your precise point: console publishers could foot more money towards it.

If it was actually a nuanced article it would list at least some of the reasons why they wouldnt want to simultaneously support two leagues for the same game.

I find this article very... odd

Man, like everyone else here, I’ve been running into this for more than a year. I got to “The supplied variant structure contains invalid data” a few months ago, and I noped the hell out and just started shutting down my computer at night.

Ah man, I love this. On the Dota 2 subreddit there was a running thread every International rating how the casters dressed up:

This will take time. It took Dota (which had an existing scene that was already pretty old) a few TIs before teams started getting really competitive. In the beginning it was just a couple Chinese teams and Na’Vi that would win everything. Once roster shuffles start happening, and new talent starts coming in then

With the way duplicates work now its probably best to spend them outside any event, or during the first event which has stuff you really want. Filling out all the crap you dont want is pretty much the only way to increase your odds of getting stuff you actually want when the events happen. Also you probably will end

He did say it was only close to NES restrictions and they were only mock ups.

The most annoying thing about the pachimari player icons is that they are the only things I want I cant buy with coins. I want them more than I want most skins.

Hmm for many of the books I’ve had on my wishlist it looks like they bumped up the price today so the $5 doesn’t mean much. Oh well.

Hmm for many of the books I’ve had on my wishlist it looks like they bumped up the price today so the $5 doesn’t

This guy does not understand the show. I commend your patience on trying to explain all this to him, but you probably should not keep wasting your time.

For witcher games, they should definitely be played at least a year after they come out. You get to play a version with significantly fewer bugs and CDPR even improved things like the UI/loading times etc. Not to mention all the mods that come out over time that can give you exactly the kind of experience you want.