
My grandfather actually designed and built the engine in this for them. He was the first engineer at Cummins with a degree. He also helped with the later one and bitched to his last day about them putting the inlet too low against his demands and cost them a much better finish! I'll have to try and scan a 1935 Popular

Yup, same lines I was thinking. Yeah they may have added sounds to this but you can see water churning right where it would be if the wheels were moving for the tractor but not for the trailer. That indicates they are under power for starters. Then you see the snorkels and having driven plenty of military vehicles

Any engine work needs to have the cab pulled but a decent mechanic can do it in an hour and it is MUCH easier to do major work that way. Minor stuff is still pretty easy without pulling the engine.

LOL, nope, I did the work but I paid taxes and the like which lazy people like you thought was not worth paying the extra for. So everyone went with the illegals that took over around me. You sound like a liberal idiot that likes to cry business like mine need to pay a "living wage", higher taxes and the like but then

Actually I posted a link to a story on them doing just that. BTW, you may think it is hard for them to get welfare but that also depends a lot on the people in the welfare office. I have some here who have openly stated they feel illegals should get the benefits and there are plenty of stories in the news on illegals

So have you ever followed the news? Or do you think that NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and Fox are all in to a conspiracy when they have all done reports on this? Things like Mexican government handing out papers explaining how to avoid being caught illegally crossing or the problems with corruption in the Mexican government

So care to actually show where I am wrong? Or are insults the only hope of a retort you have? BTW, I am a libertarian so you failed on that part anyways.

LOL, and that is your best. Thanks for showing you are clueless.

Watch the first few seasons of TG UK then. Until James May joined and the dumped the car buying advise for investing crap it had some serious issues.

Here is another showing the claims we are deporting them is political theater by the administration. The source tends to lean liberal but there are plenty from all sides that say the same thing.


Nice retort! So can I come to your home, break in, declare I am part of your family now and you will support me?

How many sources would you like on how the US government is just releasing hundreds of thousands of illegals instead of deporting them and even transporting some to be with their families that are here illegally?


LMAO, you got destroyed using logic, have not been able to say anything to show how the guy could be forced over to the right and then cry I am a tool because I actually have experience in the law unlike you. So now you go crying a river because I pointed out the stupidity of your argument. Please do try to argue with

Meanwhile Mexico is helping people illegally cross over here, helping them figure out how to get welfare and more, demanding we release their people who are here illegally and more. So yes he should be released. Since the government there doesn't respect our laws and helps their people break them, then they have no

Well that you are so stupid you can't figure out he had to intentionally pull over to the side of the road to confront them himself, there is nothing else I can do. You know, because if someone blocks you from the RIGHT side of the road after you are harassing them and there is an obvious risk you pull over with them.

Yeah, just a few years in law enforcement so I have the strange idea how laws work. As I said, put in in front of a jury and the asshole with the camera will lose. The fact is, he harassed they guy and admits to actions that caused the other driver serious distress and even admits on camera he knows the guy is tired

You are right on that! Have people hit Netflix and watch the first 2.5 seasons until they got James May on the show. It was OK but there was some real crap in it that thankfully died!

Dude. do this, come to my house, harass me, drive dangerous around me and then when you get SHOT for being a dumbass, please do tell everyone how it is legal to be a fucktard recording people and harassing them for no reason than you want to take pictures. I am sure a jury would love to hear how it is legal to harass

Holy crap dude. You can't read can you? First off the Audi didn't come in until after 45 minutes of him following the driver. He also admits to keeping with the driver when he made aggressive maneuvers to avoid him. You also ignore that the camera idiot edited the tape to make himself look the best he could yet STILL

Even if he did not video the entire time he admits openly to driving in a reckless manner. You can also see in the video as he hits the gas and brakes hard as well as constant lane changes while holding and looking at the camera. That is dangerous and to spend 45 minutes driving like that should get his ass in jail.
