I always get fascinated looking at the one locally. Just picturing how this thing could take off with the weight of the balls of the test pilot is incredible!
I always get fascinated looking at the one locally. Just picturing how this thing could take off with the weight of the balls of the test pilot is incredible!
As soon as I saw this he was the ONLY choice. He knows mechanics, electrical, electronics and likes getting his hands dirty working on things himself. No other super hero does that.
I would do it for that price just for the memories! I had a 74 LTD wagon as a teen I bought for $35 back in 1987 and loved it for road trips and $5 a car load nights at the drive in. Did you know you can pack 20 teens in one of those?
Beautiful and even shows the classic British electronics! That or he never hit the gas, brakes or took it out of neutral. That would be almost as amazing as reliable British electrical items!
The looks are OK and hold up. I was thinking on getting one but the FWD just killed it for me. Instead n SW20 which looks even better and has held up better is the baby I have for play.
Ahhh, ok. :)
If you watch, when the green van backs up, they block two lanes and that impacted traffic cutting it from three to one lane.
I want it just to pick up my daughter and her friends after cheerleading in it! I would never have to worry about another school function after being banned!
For a clean MR? Yup! I would be getting it if I had the money. Mine is all used right now in my 1993 that I also bought a 3sge for. Something about a 2500lb old school sports car with great looks, comfortable seating and with a build I can have 400+ RWHP for a daily driver.
Hmmm, then again, I put off buying the turbo…
Or if it is flat or higher, weld a nut to the broken bolt and then a ratchet.
Right before the wreck you can see the left side jump an then that side is lower like the tire blew. The best part is Free Ride playing right after the wreck.
YUP! It is tight for me. 5’11.5” so I bump the ceiling if I don’t lean the seat back a bit.
Same as we do since our youngest daughter loves seeing it all. The local place we go to uses the conveyor system to to pull cars through and has the cloth scrubbers.
LOL, first video he breaks the left spindle on the second time hitting the gas. The second video he does it to the left side the second time he hits it yet again. He either needs to stop letting off the gas or get a better left spindle!
Yeah, they rebooted it when Clarkson pushed for it and made it the New Top Gear. He made a big improvement to the format but the first season sucked until they found May. Then they got the chemistry they needed and it went great.
The big problem I see is that the heads at BBC became so worried about offending people…
BBC should give up. They have become so PC that there is no real humor in their shows now. That was why Top Gear did so well, Clarkson and the gang were not very PC and had FUN while filming and it showed. Even if they start out OK, you know they will be beaten in to submission by the politically correct until the…
Unless you live in NYC, then they are illegal to use on the sidewalks.
Unless you live in NYC, then they are illegal to use on the sidewalks.
WOW! Started out thoughtful and then went off on a rant like they mentioned him doing. It seems you may be kindred spirits in the mental health issues department.
I don’t endorse what he is doing but the driver is a fucking liar about the turn signal. The video shows he was not using it. So in the end you have assholes who lie and cut off motorcycles without using their turn signals (Watch and neither driver used one.) and a rider who punches their mirrors.
I’ve been cut off…