
Oh look! He wants to toss more money to companies though he was OK with taking money from veterans.

I worked at and for GM a few times and that is why I am against unions now. When I was forced to give them money, they protected the buddies of the union stewards who spent most days doing lunch with management and figuring out how to hire this or that unqualified relative. Hell, the union tossed me under the bus for

Devel Sixteen is an easy one. Yes they still are claiming they will build it but be honest, it will never happen. 5000hp and 350mph are the claims they make about it. LOL

Hmmmm, people were all for it when the victims were Delphi workers here who had their retirement raped to pad the UAW retirements. I know a lot who saw 50% and more of their retirement taken as well as all their medical and life insurance benefits.

Too bad the idiots in the AF have decided to get rid of them thinking you can just use the Raptor and bombs to support the troops like it did.

We will accept responsibility for her if you take Beiber and Jim Carrey back! Otherwise, you get the blame for her too.

Simple reasoning, snow. They are a lot like the vehicles we use in the Marines in my old unit. 2nd Marines was a cold weather unit and we trained in Norway where we bought their variant of these. They have a large footprint and low weight so can go through a lot deeper snow since they tend to sink a lot less and can

Just to clarify where it shows he was the responsible one and not the sucker like you are saying, this is from the article...

"Bliss's oil was free for him, since he had mixed one tankload of it with six truckloads of waste material from a chemical manufacturer, which had paid him to get rid of their waste. "

Except he knew he was disposing of chemicals for the company and only mixed oil and those together. He should have been smarter than to mix one truck load of chemical waste in with his 6 loads of oil.

I can't wait for the bad lipreading version of this one! Angry hipster spoiled on parents money gets mad would be the theme I would go for.

Well, not we know you are full of shit then. Simple math and you ignore things like regulations, labor, taxes and the rest. So as for the math, usually labor is about 50% of your costs. So if you DOUBLE labor costs in pay plus the increased taxes on them the EMPLOYER pays, then the costs will rise about that much

WOW!! You should try actually running a business and taking a few courses on economics. I have done both and what you just said is a ton of flat out crap to be blunt.

My first car was my grandmother's mint 1977 wagon. I have a ton of great memories of that car and would love to find another.

That is a Russian APC and not a tank from the looks of it. Those wondering what difference it makes, well about 30 tons on average so you know.

Actually corporations are held responsible by the share holders, numerous labor laws, customers and public opinion. Usually the short term ones you jump to as the norm are short lived too and the long term ones are not like you try to portray. Hint, look at evil Honda here, they are still going strong, the employees

Yeah, try to reform them anymore though and it won't happen. Unions can force you to join if you want a job, you HAVE to pay them so they can use the money for what they want and they can make their own rules and laws. The members don't care as long as they get more so they won't ever reform things and they are the

Don't forget they also hammered the non-union retirement funds that were better off to help improve the union retirement funds. They even raided smaller union funds for the UAW as part of the deal the government required. I get to see 5 GM and Delphi plants closed around me and a ton of retired people that lost their

As I was thinking but it can be hard to tell for sure at times over the internet! As the grandson of the gentleman who designed the first diesel to enter the Indy 500, thank you! And yes he bitched until he died they put the intake down low instead of up high and it plugged killing the turbo! Damn, got to love the

Or because we are a varied community we can have people who like both? I am not in to low riders so are they not car enthusiasts? Do you have to love Ferrari over all others or you don't qualify? What if you prefer GT cars over a barely street legal version with no heat or sound deadening?

I prefer my sport bike that