
I've been looking at and wanting a second gen for years but they are way too much money for what they are. People seem to think they are a Porsche or Ferrari the the way they want to charge $10,000 for a beater with crap mods and over 200k on the motor with no rebuild!

Because a diesel is a lot more efficient and you can get enough torque and power from one to hammer most vehicles off the line where you really want the performance in this type of vehicle.

The idiot blew it because he was trying to show off for the crowd and other people. In other words, he was being an stupid asshat and hurt people. Don't make excuses since many people drive vehicles even more likely to have problems in a lot worse weather than that. Try driving a 2 wheel drive p[pickup with no weight

So he gets away with an overheated engine and the damage that caused in the end because turning around would have been worse? Bah! If he wanted a challenge, he should have bought the truck you see at 0.49 of the video and tried to drive it up instead! It would have been a better challenge for them and the whole truck

Hmmm, I can't seem to find it. Did google street view fail me?

The cameraman is a self righteous asshole and listening to him about the law was stupid since he sounds like he does a lot of illegal drugs. Is the owner wrong, yup. But depending on the day and conditions, it could have been OK since it appears they went in and got something small and left. So if they ran in to the

Yeah, no bias there too. I wonder when they will want to demand we all drive only electric cars and every fossil fueled vehicle will be required to be turned in to the government to be destroyed? I would think Jalopnik would be smart enough to realize things like the bailout didn't do anything except rob Delphi

Just like how Jobs tried to defend stealing from Xerox as not being theft after all. Sorry but Apple suddenly coming up with these doesn't do ti for me. They have too long of a history of stealing the ideas of others, claiming they are the innovators and also telling flat lies about it all. That is why Steve Wozniak

Just to help you, here is the first iPhone design and it was the one by Sony, the one Apple went to in the iPhone 4 because they couldn't design something that well the first few tries. LOL


Actually if you had kept up on the lawsuits, you would have known that Apple did the same thing they always do, they stole it. They stole the GUI from Xerox, the tablet was done by Microsoft way back in the 1990s and the iPhone design was stolen from a Sony design.

Yup, I say we hammer them for all the crap knock offs

The links appear to be broken now. :-(

Looks like he was high on heroine based on his movements and behavior. Most likely the truck was stolen from a relative or employer.

OK, some subset of the car modifying culture that is pretty much just for people who are black and live in Houston. So what is the big deal? We have a few rednecks that do lifted pink trucks because they are gay and rednecks. Does that mean we give them a name like GaRN and think the rest of the world should know

They should have blurred the car number an his face since he is likely going to be in deep shit for saying that. And here he was doing the right thing and being nice to them in the face of what he is being ordered to do and the rest. He is one of the good ones that will now be hammered for doing the right things

If I remember right, about 45mph topped out on a down hill run. And for some reason I would still love to have one!

Were they assholes? Yes! But when you have a few hundred assholes telling you to get our of their way then you do it, not sit there ignoring them to just piss them off to show you have more balls than brains! So it is like that rich yuppie walking down in the worst parts of Detroit with gold hanging off him and

Now playing

Now THIS if how you prove your an ass in a truck tug...

Best way to power wash an interior ever!

Actually he is way off and must not have watched the video. Notice it is a dump truck with materials needed for repair. If you see when he gets past, he is dumping needed materials to repair the bridge right there. He went around the others who just stopped in the way and could not finish crossing with no one else