
They really dropped the ball on the Apocolypse design. Whoever this is did it better just to go to ComicCon.

Goddamn, do I love these. Give me some Eastern European alt-history bleak dieselpunk stories and I will lap them up.

Ugh. It looks like crumpled-up Christmas wrapping paper.

QX80 was the ugliest SUV for a while, now the new Lexus LX has that title, just look at it

It’s probably the military, wisely spending our tax dollars.

So when do we break ties with Saudi Arabia? Or Egypt? Or Israel? Or China? Or Vietnam? Hell Reagan practically kept South African Apartheid afloat. Oh wait we won’t

Couple things, the whole this particular console can do that nothing else can is bullshit. Any console can connect to the cloud, it just depends on if the developers want to pay for that service or not to do some extra processing. Nothing about the Xbox One is unique in that aspect.

Water restrictions for personal use are largely a chance to shame and flagellate yourselves and your neighbors. The real question is, why are we subsidising water for alfalfa growers in the middle of a drought? The alfalfa isn’t even part of California’s (or America’s) food supply - it’s exported to other countries as

Cutting urban water use by 25% does not mean water use was cut by 25%. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t farms account for far more water use in ca than residences?

Since I never like to miss an opportunity to shit on Jurassic World: It sucked.

I need this game so I can name undiscovered species weird names in spanish :)

Let’s be perfectly honest with ourselves. We aren't winning this.

You know what sponsorships are and why companies do them, right?

Apple’s server hardware was actually quite good. If you have a group with several mac users with large or shared assets (designers, video etc..) they were great.

The sharks have been there every time you’ve been in the water. Now you’re just seeing them on video and counting them.

Are you crazy? It’s a guerrilla game, of course it’s exclusive

That’s how James Dean died!

Any manufacturer-backed effort deserves respect for the risk they take. I’m happy to see them try and wish them the best.

Have they managed to get 1080 on all games?

Wake me when they hit that benchmark.

[Insert fanboy responses after this break.]