
Just another dumbass who makes videos for hits as a job. Bye stupid maybe your new name should be Dr. Would You Like To Supersize That. 

No worries, if her Teacher’s Union is anything like the one here in So California, they will have to pay here $50,000 to leave her job like the dirtbag teacher here who was feeding 3-4 graders cookies with his baby batter on them while blindfolded.

Can’t you buy a GTR for $120,0000 ? 

One question for these Proud Americans in the UCP. How many patrols have you done, are currently doing or plan on doing in the future at the Canadian border ? I’ll wait for your answer. 

This thing is gonna be this year’s exploding battery, mark my words. 

Saw first Matrix at least 7 times in the theaters. Still one of my top 10 favs of all time. 

Then pray harder asshole.....

And why take that chance when you can choose a car that has a waaaay lower chance of doing that ? 

Alfa Romeo Giulia, Every time I see some somebody in that Italian BMW Bootleg I grin, like maaan I hope you’re leasing that thing. And is it just me or do they only make them in Red ? 

Bloatware on 2 screens !

Could be worse, could be a Range Rover. 

I would throw all kinds of D at aunt May, you cant tell me nothing. 

Z4 with a Yota badge, I’m all moist........Not. 


Only people I see driving these things are women 25-35 who always wanted a Mercedez but have Accord money. Shit, they should of just got the Accord. Waaay better car.

Same reason people buy Mac instead of Dells. The O.S

Heard about this on an right wing AM station driving home today and the two dipshits kept referring to the story as the man actually coughing up part of his lung not a clot resembling part of his lung. God AM right wing jocks are such dumbshits 

Because the drive to pro create is that strong in some people. 

You make electronic cancer sticks, shut up. 

Hey dirtbags if God himself has not struck these peoples down with holy hellfire, and or lightning from the skies in direct vengeance for a man speaking on his behalf then STFU.