
Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

Fuck yeah, right on Donald Glover!

Nailed it Torch! Driving with my wife the other day, she spots one of these and says “hey, what car is that?”

“What’s a pretty woman like you doing with a maláka like this?”
“It’s purely sexual.”
“No shit?”
“She’s into malákas, Dino.”

Sick brah, is that a Denso 120amp?

Is it wrong I just immediately notice the Thundercats insignia on the van? What’s weirder still is the van appears to be in some sort of livery. Is there some sort of Mexican ambulance service that’s using Thundercats as its logo?

Celica is fine as well.

We get it. You use an Android phone.

Oh-Ess-Ex is right. Hell on anyone who says oh-ess-ten.

The point is, if you were to march out today to pick up your new $35,000 Tesla, you’d be marching back home empty-handed. Because there is no $35,000 Tesla. Not today, and probably not this year. And if and when you do eventually located one, sometime in 2018, it likely will be a completely bare-bones model.

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

I don’t pretend to know the whole story here, but what a bitch.

Don’t forget the subtle cameltoe on the second pic.

I love it when the neighbors do porn and brag about it.

I think it’s less that it’s well built and more that these clowns are incompetent.

it’s kind of a shame they just brute forced it open, i’d love to see it being taken apart carefully and admire the engineering that went into the torch

Now playing

Used to love the PS3 Wipeout Fury theme, it was awesome:

Yeah, no anthropomorphic on the car...in Porsches, assholes are in the car. ;)

"Look, I got you this car like Daddy's! Daddy loves you more than Mommy and Steve do." "No, you can't take it to Mommy's house, it's for when you are here every other weekend."