
“Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.”

This is what happens when your target market is stay-at-home moms and Doug DeMuros

Alison Brie <3<3<3

How FABULOUS did Trudy look? :-)

I was bummed Peggy didn’t go with Joan. I’d been hoping for years for those two to become allies.

I looked. I looked HARD. But I didn’t see Kanye in the live performance or in this video. WHERE WAS KANYE DURING KANYE’S PERFORMANCE

Obviously Kanye’s place is that big for his wife’s ass and his ego.

I suddenly feel like my childhood dreams have been realized.

I have such a boner for this movie. My wife has an even bigger one since she already bought tickets.

I’ve rewatched Mad Max and The Road Warrior, tonight is Beyond Thunderdome, in preparation for this movie. I am extremely excited for this!

i'm as excited for this as i am for Force Awakens.

Is it just me or is this post a bit bias against people spamming special moves?

Nah. Fuck YOU.

Take it to just about any body shop or car dealer that offers gold trim packages. They’ll plate it for $20 if you ask nicely.

I've said it before, but I just can't stay on the Paul Walker Grief Train knowing about his penchant for teenagers. It's still sad that he died, of course, but this huge outpouring is unnerving. Let's just say the sadness is tempered by a full-body skin crawl.

Gimmick to the max. More so than the Apple Watch.

When the GIF Party rolls around on Friday, Mr. Flaming Guitar had better be the headline image.

I can get you a toe. I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock.

2:02 - Contender for Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla.

Utterly amazing trailer. I cant wait.