Rainbow Warrior

I want to print this comment out and hand it out to everyone I know who's anti-union

A take so hot it overheated my phone

Imagine thinking that admitting to wanting to exploit workers as much as possible was a smart argument. People like you are why we need unions

“The only thing that unions can do is try to wait until the next election and hope that this NLRB gets kicked out”

Of course we all know Corporate Dems and establishment media are going to fall over themselves to whitewash their behaviour, right?

Reactionaries saying the quiet part out loud again

One day your kid is flossing, the next he’s shooting up immigrants. It’s a slippery slope

“You might as well just give the money to the student for free”

“People aren’t radicalized by their own side.”

Letting one’s colonies starve to death due to ignorance/deliberate malice is a proud imperialist tradition

Centrist/corporate Dems are free to continue pushing their failed milquetoast “business as usual but now with a smiley face” policies, they’re free to keep losing hard to people with actual conviction (even if those convictions are terrible), and they’re free to keep blaming anyone but themselves.

This take was so hot my phone melted

Ditched it and Facebook at the same time. I could feel the improvement in my general well-being within days

This is some damn good tea

“I think that [the board of supervisors’ ruling] would be in conflict with federal law, and we have to follow the law. We have to follow that law. You may not agree with it, but you know, that’s why we have a process where you can challenge laws. And it is the law.”

I spit my coffee at this XD

You’re assuming white supremacists give a shit about context or nuance

It’s not just the US, this is happening all over. I work for a newspaper here in South Africa which is owned by a large media conglomerate. They’ve recently slashed our staff down by just about half and forbidden us from taking on interns or freelancers (which we used to do often). Of course, the workload is still the

This is some darn good schadenfreude