Rainbow Warrior

This is some darn good schadenfreude

How long until Border Control and ICE decide to take the proactive route and just straight up shoot/gas them?

Problem is they could very well do that and their supporters will still tie themselves in knots to explain how it's actually a good thing. 

Friends don't let friends be scabs

Because when have art or politics ever contributed anything meaningful to society, right?

PETA, the Westboro Baptist Church of animal rights activism.

Daily reminder that the South African press is about 10 ranks higher on the Reporters Without Borders' Press Freedom Index than the US. After reading this, it's not all that hard to see why

Kind, decent family men don't funnel money to apartheid South Africa

Hoo boy, this is a hot take

“It’s troublesome to view old politics through the lens of modern values”
So judging things like slavery, apartheid, or Jim Crow would be ‘troubling’ to you since it would be applying our ‘modern values’? Also what’s the cut-off for when it’s okay to judge something? 9/11 was almost 20

Class war is the only moral war

Corporate Democrats: Notice me, GOP-chan!

For the union makes us strong

Class war is the only good war

It’s not like it can get much worse

“Quoting Ronald Reagan approvingly" automatcally disqualifies anyone from being progressive

Tear gas today, live ammo tomorrow

So when do we break out the guillotines?

They were "lost" *nudge nudge wink wink*

It’s easier for most to imagine the end of humanity than the end of capitalism

In my experience, people who complain about "identity politics" have never had their identity used as a cudgel to beat them with