Rainbow Warrior

The chucklefucks that this sort of “journalism” is aimed are the people who scoff and laugh at the idea of beautician and stylist educations and can’t understand why everyone doesn’t just get the same cheap, shitty hair cut at the dollar store location and use Pert Plus on the daily

He’s at the National Zoo right now trying to kickstart the deployment, bucket of herring in his tiny hand.

Maybe the real gift was the network of CIA blacksites we opened along the way.......

The well of forgiveness for rich white people coupled with the myth of American exceptionalism is unlimited. I wonder if the same argument applies to other war criminals. Can’t wait to watch Ellen hanging out with Ratko Mladić at a football game. Can’t wait to see her have one of the Stranger Things kids jump out of

I am both surprised and not surprised that since she has conservative friends, she would eventually use conservative rhetorical bullshit to defend herself. They fucking INVENTED applying the “tolerating different beliefs” principle to literally ANY belief, no matter how abhorrent, amoral, or despicable.

I recall a former Russian spy talking about how easy it was to manipulate US representatives via flattery and offers of money.

GM execs are certainly feeling the pinch. Check out this scene at GM headquarters:

Haha, like America is going to have internet in 10 years. Or laughter.

I have family that would literally kill me if I badmouthed “their President” in a way that would identify me to them as having done so. You are underestimating the extremism already present in the Christian Right and capacity of 45's supporters (Like “pastor” Robert Jefferies) to motivate their base to extremism.

Yes there are 100's of thousands of people just like the one you describe in Facebook groups. All of the off grid,homesteading,self-sufficiency groups are filled with them. The ideal of getting to kill people over a can of pork and beans gives them a raging boner. 

Has he announced a running mate yet? Cthulu and Giant Meteor of Death both have strong values I support.

John McCain’s ghost might reappear in the Senate for a few moments and sigh in a mildly exasperated fashion.

My blood pressure is—normally—on the high end of “normal.” Occasionally it moves into pre-hypertension, and if I’m having a panic attack (which hasn’t happened for a couple of years now), it skyrockets.

The biggest contributing factor to my BP sitting where it does is a slightly too-large love of good beer. I’m at a

I always get out of the grays by threatening to start a civil war on Kinja. 

Is this a furry thing?

It’s honestly a huge step forward that we are judging him on the content of his character not the color of his skin or his sexual orientation.

He’s been to the left of Warren his whole career, including when she was voting for Reagan.

...and fail violently.

Really you wouldnt piss on a Nazi on fire? It wouldnt extinguish the flames, it would just just add insult to injury. ;)

Scientists: *spend decades raising the alarm over climate change*