Rainbow Warrior

The Reserve Army of Labour: Keeping wages as low as possible since 1760

This take is bad and you should feel bad

J.P. Morgan analyst Ryan Brickman estimated GM lost $1 billion during the third quarter as the workers walked off the job”

I’ve seen Christian conservatives use the same argument that caring for the Earth is a form of "evil" paganism so we should do nothing instead. 

Not all bastards are cops but all cops are bastards

Yep. Police are not wrking class, they are the enforcers of the 1%

As a furry, I’m really proud of the community’s massive pushback against alt-right infiltration over the last few years. The community has always been a relatively safe-space for marginalised identities, especially LGBT+ people, so we’re less inclined to put up with far right bullshit.

This is the funniest thing I've read in ages 

Yet another reason to drag Bezos to the guillotine

How do we get back to that without another 9/11?”

The real big government is the friends we made along the way

Would you have been okay with him saying the n-word?

“bigotry is okay when we do it" - liberals

If it had been the n-word, would you still feel the same?

Because we live in the worst timeline

Bosses need the workers; workers don't need the bosses

If a business can’t afford to pay a living wage, it doesn’t deserve to exist. Also you say you hate unions yet I bet you enjoy all the things they got workers - weekends, health & safety regulation, retirement/pension, etc.

To be fair, boomers think anyone younger than them is a millenial (even though the youngest millenials are in their late 20's by now)

It’s scary how I saw “five dead” and my initial reaction was “thank goodness it's not that bad".