THIS. I could barely get past those stray apostrophes to understand the content in a few places.
THIS. I could barely get past those stray apostrophes to understand the content in a few places.
My love for Twix exceeds some of your other questionable rankings (I mean, Three Musketeers aren't THAT bad). TWIX SURELY FELL FROM THE HANDS OF GODS ATOP MOUNT OLYMPUS. Twix solidarity. Twix 4eva.
That booked scared the shit outta me.. mostly because we are only a few steps away. Great read, didn't sleep for about two days while I contemplated the future and if it's too late to bail on the internet...
Huh.. I am pretty sure Lupo is an English Springer Spaniel (even though all the news bits I see online say Cocker Spaniel). My boyfriend and I have one too.. sorry Kate and William, Lupo is adorable but ours still has first place for Cutest Springer Spaniel Ever. Her coat is also amazingly soft and shiny, seems to be…
I am scream-laughing from both excitement and fear. Dear bedazzled baby jesus, PLEASE let them make an appearance in this comment thread. PLEASE!
Uh, YES PLEASE. I'll do your logo and all your album art. Deal? Deal.
Work-from-home here, my uniform of choice is leggings and baggy top. Always. Sometimes a bra if I'm feeling super productive, but that's maybe once a week tops.
So much irritation in this thread.. I find this song to be catchy as fuck, frankly. People seem to hate her self-awareness but that's what I like about her: she takes ridiculousness to the extreme purposefully. Also, let's be real: it's nice to see a pop music video that has ladies and men equally naked and a sexually…
Just talked to my parents about scheduling an appointment to get mine removed this summer. Super.
I just guffawed. "Emasculating harpies" is my new favorite phrase.
This is a supremely great article; thank you for sharing. I'm supportive of the LGBT+ community but often feel.. well, uneducated on what you deal with, and this was like opening a sunny window in my brain. Your fortitude and forthrightness is admirable. Cheers!
I have been seeing the headlines and refused to click and watch for this reason: "I know someone is just trying to get me to buy something by watching this adorable and interesting-sounding clip. NO. NOOO."
This is the difference between reasonable customer service and GOOD customer service. Reasonable customer service says "Oops, sorry about that, here's a coupon." GOOD customer service says "We are incredibly sorry, let me make a call and see what we can do to make this up to you." They proceed to make the customer…
Having an opinion to a guy is like saying "I know something," and worse, it's like saying "I know something and I think I should say it out loud." Even worse, it's saying "I know something, I think I should say it out loud, and I think that is ok."
Confession: Aaron's lovesick tweet made me belly-laugh. So hard that I woke my snoozing dog.
O'Reilly, there must be SOME ... DOWNSIDE ... to having you appear on television. Something! Something that just doesn't work.