Queen of Bithynia

Wait, people didn’t think Emma Watson was a good actor?

You absolutely are stupid and/or a party shill.

Not for me! (B/c I’m a dude.)

Good thing she got rid of him before he affected her reputation or career aspirations.

So you’re still angry that I composed a post on the internet about how I didn’t think our representatives should act the way they did.

If we keep this up a few more weeks, do you think that’ll buy you enough time to come up with a point?

I’m not sure if it’s the costuming so much as the lighting, all the blues and greens look similar to me, but yeah, it has made it hard for me to be sure at times whether a woman was a wife or a martha.

Yes, and it was creepy as hell.

Yeah. My guess is she has no idea who any of those people are. CNN viewers are probably mostly kinda low-information.

Huh, Hooked on Phonics makes dumb people stop leaving pointless replies to your posts?

Iunno, I think it’s okay if he doesn’t want people bursting in on him when he’s eating/relaxing/rubbing one out/whatever.

Yeah, I understand that you don’t think any criticism of people you perceive as being on your team is legitimate. No need to explain that.

Your habit, shared with so many others, of getting outraged because someone had the temerity to criticize any Dem politician ever is, number one, extremely childish, and number two, really counterproductive. It’s part of why Dems can’t win elections.

I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything.

Excellent comment.

That’s a really, really stupid analogy.

It’s puzzling to me that after all we’ve witnessed over the last year, you are concerned an eye roll might diminish the sacred role a free press plays in our society.

Your concern is duly noted but if what bothers you most isn’t the lies being told but the eye rolls of the incredulous host of a cable TV show, I suggest you step back and think about it a bit.

This is the true litmus test for his hillbilly supporters. If the morons buy this excuse, they will believe anything.

Literally none of that is true in the slightest. Feel free to cite any evidence to support your bizarre claims, but you won’t find any.