Queen of Bithynia

“A major victory” in the same way his nomination was great because it guaranteed a Democratic landslide.

That will not happen. The sooner people stop fantasizing about some miraculous event fixing everything for us the better.

You are so fucking stupid.

Why should he care how it looks?

They won’t have a hard time finding someone. It’s not like they are going to let issues of competence limit their selection.

I don’t find her likable at all.

Irish accents are rhotic.

I didn’t say it was “the end of the fucking world”. You wouldn’t have to resort to ridiculous hyperbole like that if you weren’t trying to defend such a stupid point.

U mad, bro.

Controversial opinion: Kendall Jenner is bad.

Wow. Nope, it obviously wasn’t offensive two years ago, and it’s obviously not offensive now, and I am not all that impressed by people who invent reasons to pretend they’re victims.

Huh, weird how you can’t make a case for your beliefs.

I think these people likely think the Civil Rights Act was an unconscionable invasion of people’s right to discriminate.


That’s not much of a response.

That makes him twice as much a family man as regular men.

The camera doesn’t really love him.

Okay, you “just don’t agree” that the Democratic Party should be pushing its members’ political goals. I already understood that.

Or, actually, the party that won’t do anything to support those goals, but is marginally better than the GOP.

I would completely bone Paul Ryan and obviously hate myself for it because he is fucking repulsive, but he is very pretty. It’s not so much like I can even tolerate him for a single second as a person, but as a boy he’s very handsome.