Queen of Bithynia

Hey, sounds like you, Justin Trudeau, and Donald Trump agree on quite a bit!

You mean, say, some candidate who supported the highly successful interventions in Libya and Iraq, and who agrees with Trump on bombing Syria?

Because of, you know, all of history.

Trump is very unlikely to stop him, and if he did, the remaining major powers in Syria are ISIS and the al-Nusra Front (a.k.a. al-Qaeda in the Levant).

So, then, it’s accurate to say that Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump agree completely on the most important foreign policy issue of our time.

That’s a kind of dumb question, because we don’t have the ability to impose any repercussions on Assad.

And so you and Trump agree that we must bomb Syria. It’s only realistic.

Yeah, okay. Fair enough. The problem is that the U.S. hasn’t dropped enough bombs on everyone else. It hasn’t worked so far, but it’s just one more campaign away from succeeding the way that it didn’t in any other prior war.

Oh, okay, sorry, I made too much out of the incredibly tiny issue of whether or not to lob bombs onto foreigners.

. . . oh okay. Arguably, though, dropping bombs is pretty important when it comes to understanding foreign policy preferences?

There’s a whole heaping mountain of shit in the Grauniad too, but it definitely is miles ahead of the NYT.

So you’re claiming that one woman in three hundred is sexually assaulted.

Whereas his ideas about how Palestinians are bad for not wanting to be penned in and literally denied food are intellectual positions worthy of serious debate?

Literally, publicly sided with Trump on bombing Syria. Not sure how you missed that. Maybe you were busy being lost in his eyes at the time.

No risk of that happening ever.

Also, men who take these “female-coded” jobs, like nurses or teachers, get paid more than women, so the argument that it’s about the choice of jobs is total fucking bullshit.

Uh, being ugly and being a terrible person are totally unrelated qualities.

Justin Trudeau, a guy who agrees with Trump’s foreign policy.

I’d make jokes about his comical lack of romantic desirability but I mean, totally sexually undesirable people aren’t necessarily as fundamentally awful and worthless as this sack of shit.