If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:
Another first for 2018: The first time in history that billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class.
That was like 469 scandals ago. I’d honestly forgotten about that one.
Now, now, some of the evangelicals are starting to sound some alarms.
This story’s been out for years.
Funny typos are the best typos. I used to work for a fairly large company run by a CEO whose name was Bob. Like, 12 years ago this guy who I didn’t particularly like sent him an e-mail, on which I was copied, which he began with “Dear Bobo,”
In fairness, it’s not just Trump. We also do this after every mass shooting, every black man killed by a cop, every exposure of corporate malfeasance, etc etc ad infinitum.
How do you cross one finger?
“With all the women it’s the same: He denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens — and then everybody forgets it until the next woman comes along,”
It’s extraordinarily relevant that the official in charge of “oversee[ing] the use of public land, including environmental protections as well as oil and gas development” believes that global warming is not real and that environmentalism = communism. This isn’t the office crank at a paper company not believing in the…
Yeah, but other than that he’s been great!
lol, you can’t bring “facts” and “data” to an argument with Republicans!
I think they’re just scaring the readers into thinking that no matter who wins the Democratic nomination, they will put her in charge of fiscal policy, so you better vote Republican!